Friday, March 23, 2012

First Race Analysis, Yesterday's Diet and Today's Training

Well, I finally got my first crit out of the way and it was pretty much just as I expected.  It revealed that 1) I'm not ready for that type of racing yet and 2) I may not be ready for any type of racing.  Going into it, I did do some things right like resting the day of the race, getting there early enough to get a warm-up, and getting enough fluids in where I had no problems with cramping.  For the next race however, I won't eat like crap the night before (due to Lisa's birthday), drink alcohol the night before, and I will make sure my bike is free of any problems.  I also hope to have my legs as fresh as possible whereas only today, my legs finally don't feel the effects of last Saturday's run.  I do think I have to find my way back to "wanting it" more since I seem to have some motivational issues when pushed to the limit, but I hope getting out there regularly will do this.  In general, I don't think I did too bad considering it was my first race and I was alone.

After binging on Wednesday, I was actually down on calories by a lot even after racing.  According to a calorie tracker app and based on my weight and calories burned, I was over 500 calories under what I was suppose to burn yesterday.   I'm okay with it since it probably was still less than the extra I took in on Wednesday.

For this morning's workout, I got my arms done and started out with triceps for once.  I haven't been doing triceps as much only because they would get worked on climbing from the drops off the seat.  However, I think it's time to give them a little attention, so....  I got 6 exercises plus the lower back and ab workout. 

At lunch, I plan on getting some running in and will run with some folks at work.  I think the pace should be manageable where I can consider it a light day for cardio.   I need to keep running so when I do the duathlon, it just won't hurt as much.  I don't expect to kill it at that event, but I don't want to embarass myself too much either.

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