Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Little Heavier Back Workout and a Lunch Ride

After yesterday's bench fiasco, I decided I'd kick up the weights a little bit for today's back workout.  I still tried to push the weights as fast or explosive as I could, but every exercise had 1-2 heavier sets than normal.  It's nice to train heavy once in a while because it does change things up and hopefully will cause my muscles to respond more to it.  Even with heavy training, I think it still helps to get me leaner now that I'm set to try to drop down to 145.  Lean mass burns more calories, so working on getting more more mass underneath should help me lose weight but hold on to muscle.  I also worked on more core and am now alternating between upper and lower abs every day.

For today's cardio, I do want to get a ride in with the guys during lunch.  I think I'll bring my Cervelo out and maybe do a Starcrest route.  There's some things I want to try out/work on on the hills today, so I hope it doesn't rain.  Should be good.

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