Thursday, March 8, 2012

Shoulders and Lunch Ride - No Race

This morning, I had to decide whether I wanted to race this afternoon or not.  If I were to race, I'd have stayed in bed and got some additional rest, but after getting up, my legs (and motivation) just didn't feel up to par for racing.  Thus, I got up and got my ass to the gym to work out my shoulders.  I got a pretty decent workout where I stayed true to form this week with a heavier workout.  I actually need to be careful just because I'm falling into the mode where I like training heavy vs. light, and I'm actually doing well in this mode.  However, I know the heavy training just counters my cycling, so I'll be back to the lighter weights next week for sure.  I also got my lower back and ab training in for the day.

For lunch time, I do plan on bringing my bike in for a ride.  I'm thinking nothing should be different from Tuesday where I'll probably get dropped again.  I think this because during yesterday's spin, I really had a hard time warming up and didn't even want to push my HR above 120.  Oh boy, I'm in big trouble if this continues through next week and for the Bulldog race.

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