Monday, March 26, 2012

Friday Run, Yesterday's Ride and Today's Training

On Friday, I ended up running with Madison and a few others during lunch and the pace was not as manageable as expected.  I was hoping for a 10 min/mi pace or somewhere in that range if not slower, but we were doing sub-9 minute miles throughout 4.5 miles over hills and with a sprint finish.  That was NOT the plan, but I rolled with the punches.  I was off the back for the beginning, but caught Madison a little past midway through.  Running with her was a challenge, but she's alpha through-and-through and I guess so am I.  My legs were feeling it after but not as bad as from when I ran the weekend before.

I did get a decent ride in yesterday despite my legs still recovering from the run, but my pace was sub 22 mph.  I didn't really set the ride up for the climb up and over Cook's, but it was still fun and I got a great workout as a result.  In the reverse loop we did after, we did a good amount of off the seat riding, so that was fun.  On the way back on Irvine Blvd though, I got stung by a bee...on both legs!  I didn't mention the 2nd sting on the ride blog, but it was on my calf on the other side.  I thought my leggings caught and that's why it pinched, but you can see where I got stung after I took them off.  Both areas are now swollen and itchy.  Sigh.

For this morning, I ended up skipping the gym because my legs were feeling a little tight last night (maybe more from the bee sting than anything else), but I thought it may be a good idea to rest them today.  I'll be training pecs during lunch at the gym at work, so it should be a good day for my legs to recover.

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