Thursday, March 1, 2012

Race Fate, Shoulder workout and...

I hadn't committed 100% to racing this afternoon, but I was definitely leaning towards doing so.  My only reservation was the the time it was going to start whereas I wondered if I could make it out in time.  As fate would have it though, my car broke down where I have to get it fixed.  That means I'll be bringing it to a shop this morning and possibly picking it up this afternoon.  Since it's Lisa's turn to do the carpool for the kids this week, her car is not an option.  Again...fate.  I suppose this will give me one more week to get ready.

Since I'm not racing, it was a no brainer to go in this morning and do my shoulder workout.  I had a pretty good one with super high rep sets and fast and explosive.  Overall, I was satisfied with the intensity given I was a little distracted with my car situation.  I also got to do my core training also. 

Depending on how I get to work and/or how I get home, I may either spin or ride at lunch...if I can.  I may ride my motorcycle, so this will be where I'd spin at lunch if I did.  If Lisa takes me to work, I'll throw my bike in the back and ride at lunch.  I may also ride home, so this may be a triple day of exercising. 

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