Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Struggling to Figure Things Out

Okay, I didn't think it would be too difficult to figure things out from a training/dieting perspective, but I have to admit...I'm stumped.  I honestly don't feel like I have any control anymore of what's going on.  My goal, as I proclaimed to all my cycling buddies, is to reach a weight of 145.  As I'm trying to do so, I've lessened my caloric intake, but I feel like I'm going backwards.  I'm not only not losing weight, but my strength seems to suck as well.  I did do well on my weight training this week, but my ride yesterday was an absolute mess.  This was despite having skipped a cardio session on Monday.

So what do I do this morning...skip my weight training session thinking this would help.  I didn't get any sleep last night to boot, so this also kept me from wanting to train this morning.  However, for the most part it was just that I'm trying to figure things out.  I wanted to apply more emphasis on my cardio today, so another reason I skipped this morning's workout.  I hope Madison doesn't cancel spin class as that's my only plans for training today.

One thing I thought about since yesterday's ride was how unprepared I am for tomorrow night's crit.  This plagued my mind all evening and I still have yet to figure out whether it's worth going or not.  Since daylight savings time is this Sunday, it may be better just to hold off one more week and be able to race later in the afternoon, hopefully if they shift the race times.  Or I may just go tomorrow night.  I guess I'll have to decide by tomorrow morning.

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