Monday, March 12, 2012

I had a pretty decent weekend of riding where I was able to get in 90 miles; 60 on Saturday and 30 yesterday.  I wasn't trying to kill it on my ride on Saturday as I was just trying to keep going without stopping to build up my endurance.  I didn't expect to mix it up but ended up doing so with a guy on my way back.  It was nice to be able to charge up a hill after him as he thought he could get away from me.   I hope I have the same capabilities for next weekend's race.  I did have a couple close calls with crashing where one was where I went through the reflectors near the gate on my way back and almost tucked my front tire on some dirt after.   The second was where the guy I was mixing it up with ended up dropping his bottle right in front of me after we went through the fence onto the parking lot at the state beach.  My legs were tired on yesterday's ride at Como, but I did okay.  The compression pants helped a lot to keep my legs in check.

For today, I was able to make it into the gym despite the time change.  Boy was it rough to get up at 4:30 this morning.  I still managed to get a decent chest workout but I did skip my lower back training and only got an ab workout after.  I just wanted to be done.  I'm sure once I get used to the time, I'll be more focused...maybe. 

For lunch time, I'm thinking about a run on the treadmill.  However, I'm skeptical to try something new just before a race this weekend.  I may just spin.  We'll see.

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