Monday, March 19, 2012

Friday through Today

On Friday, I did end up doing some cardio during lunch time but it was very light.  I went to the bldg 6 spin bike and just spun for an hour.  I still managed to get a good sweat going, but my legs were not taxed very much.

Saturday, I was suppose to race but after getting cancelled, I ended up just going to the gym and running for an hour (6.25 miles) followed by an hour on the stationary bike.  I had a lot of anxiety I needed to work off.  Plus, we were going to a birthday party in San Diego, so creating a little deficit was a good thing. 

On Sunday, I also worked out but I just did my arms and then I did a little spin only to get some blood circulating through my legs.  The run I did on Saturday was after not having ran for over a year, so my legs were thrashed.  It helped to spin but ibuprofen helped more.

Now considering the above, this means I have been in the gym or on a bike every day last week.  In other words, I didn't have a rest day.  There were some missed sessions, so good enough for now.  I'll save the rest day for this weekend.

This morning, I made it in the gym and got my chest worked out.  I did a lot of reps where I didn't have a chance to do my push-up finish, but it was a good one.  I got to work my lower back and my lower abs as well. 

For lunch time, I think I'll either spin or do something different.  My legs are still feeling Saturday's run, so keeping the blood circulating should help them recover sooner...hopefully.

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