Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Normalized, Back day and Lunch Ride

I'm feeling a lot better than I had the last couple weeks where my digestive system seems normal again.  I'm not sure it factored into my performance, but yesterday, I actually felt normal during my spin session.  It wasn't a spin class, but I still got a real good sweat going.  I hope it continues.

This morning, I worked my back and had a pretty good workout.  4 exercises:  close grip pull downs, alternating wide cable pull downs, rows, and cable pullovers.  I also did my lower back and my upper abs.   

For lunch, I want to take out my Cervelo and see how I do on it since I'll probably end up taking it this weekend.  In a way, I think I'm faster on my BMC but the hill in the race makes me nervous where the compact may help me spin up more in race mode.  Plus, I have the aluminum wheels on it where it'll be better for the expected wet weather.  The only thing is I won't get to see my power data.  Oh well.

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