Friday, June 3, 2011

From 5-3-11: Back Day and Bike Gears

Accidentally posted this in the wrong blog originally - HA HA

For starters, I ended up not riding yesterday and just doing cardio on the elliptical.  I didn't think anyone was going to ride only to find out that Eddie and Todd went out.  Bummer.

For today, I worked my back and only managed to get 4 exercises in:  wide grip pull downs, alternating reverse grip rows, narrow grip standing angled pull downs, and cable pull overs.  I backed down some only because I don't want to get hurt right before this weekend's big ride.  That'll be the case for the rest of the week.

For today's ride, the plan is to test out the bikes as a lot of us have gotten new gears.  I already tested mine out on Saturday, but I had some work done on it yesterday to get rid of some rub in the taller gear. I also swapped to the Eastons, so this would make for a good trial run.  I just went to check the tire pressure, and sure enough, got a flat this morning.  Better it happened earlier  than right before or during the ride.

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