Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I did shoulders today in lieu of legs to save the latter for this weekend.  My legs actually felt pretty worked after yesterday's ride, which to me is unusual.  Yes the ride was tough, but the way they felt after was beyond what I expected despite.  I need to make sure they're fresh for this weekend, so the leg workout may not allow for this.  One thing to note though was I was trying a different stroke on the bike yesterday (focusing on the top of the stroke), so this change may have been a factor...that or I had not fully recovered fully from Sunday.

For my shoulder workout, I'd say it was a pretty good one.   I did alternating side dumbbell raises, alternating isolated shoulder press machine, bilateral front dumbbell raise, and rear delt machine.  Reps were high and when I couldn't do anymore, I'd catch my breath and do a few more until they just hurt.  I actually broke a pretty good sweat. 

I also worked core today including abs.  I was a little worried that my abs would cramp up again, but they held out today. 

For lunch today, the training plan is to ride again and this will be the last time this week.  I'm looking just to spin today and will really make a concentrated effort to do so.  We'll see.

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