Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Weight, Back Day and Cycling

After weighing myself yesterday, I was not too happy with what I saw.  I expected 153ish, but the scale showed an additional 2 lbs.  I suppose it's okay for now, but I hope to turn this back around in preparation for the Death Ride in 4 weeks.  I think the alcohol "poisoning" on Saturday contributed greatly to this additional weight where my body seems to be holding a lot more water (as a defense mechanism) than normal. 

The effects of alcohol probably also contributed to me not remembering what my pin# was to get into the gym.  I must have sat there for a couple minutes trying to remember what it was. The funny thing is I went yesterday and didn't have this problem. 

I did finally manage to get in and get my back worked out.  4 exercises 20-30+ reps.  Core workout completed also.  Pretty decent workout and was able to push through a couple of sets when I wanted to quit. 

For lunch today, I hope we can do a mixture of hills and flats where I need to work on sprints in preparation for a crit this Thursday.  I did do cardio yesterday and felt good, although my left inner thigh did tighten up for a bit mysteriously.  It went away after I toned down the intensity on the elliptical, but it was definitely surprising and unexpected.

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