Thursday, June 2, 2011

Shoulders and More Riding

Typically, legs would follow my back day but I decided to skip it and go ahead and do shoulders to get back to my normal schedule.  With the short week, the additional cycling over last weekend, and how I don't want to train legs too close to the weekend, it seems like a good idea.  However, next week is the Bear ride, so I'll probably skip it for that too. 

I got my shoulder workout in with 5 different exercises:  side lateral raises via machine, alternating shoulder press, front cable raises, rear delts (machine), and machine military press.  Working to failure is tough when the movements are explosive, so I had a good one today.

I'll be riding again at lunch today and hoping to get some good training in.  A few of the guys will be out because of a crit tonight where I wish I could go with them, but I'll have to settle for training only.

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