Friday, June 17, 2011

Yesterday's Race, Arms and Lunch Cardio

Finally got a crit race in yesterday, and one of the concerns was how to prepare for the race nutrition-wise.  Without working out in the morning, I felt hungry throughout the day but ended up eating regular food.   I also drank a lot of water at lunch and after, and all of this seemed to work for the ride.  I also had oatmeal later on in the day, so I felt good for the race...despite having to pee 3 times before the race.  I did have one shot blok before the race just as a precaution and did not have any cramps throughout.  

For today, I worked out my arms and got 4 different exercises in with a lot of reps.  Mentally, I was in race mode thinking I had to push harder and faster each rep, so it got pretty intense.  I had to cut it short though as I had to run an errand in the morning.  I skipped core training as a result.

It looks like there's some drizzle this morning, so I'll probably skip riding at lunch.  My legs feel good though, so I'll probably work on some interval training on the elliptical. 

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