Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Back again and Lunch Ride

It's been since Thursday when I last got up early to go to the gym, and as expected, I couldn't just get up without snoozing the alarm.  I'm hoping to do better the rest of the week and even more so next week when I should be fully back on schedule.

I did my back this morning and got 5 different exercises in:  reverse grip pull downs, alternating cable pull downs, reverse grip rows, standing angled close grip rows, and cable pull overs.  I also did my lower back and my abs for my core training.  The workout again focused on speed vs. intensity.  I had to remind myself that getting the movement from point A to B as fast as possible (with resistance) was the goal and up until I can't do it with good form and/or where I can't breathe.  Essentially, I'm trying to turn myself inside out while weight training just like I would if I was on a really fast pace ride (e.g. Como).

During lunch, I'm hoping to get a good ride in.  My legs feel a lot better than yesterday albeit still not 100%.  Had I been able to do the crit tomorrow with the other guys, I probably would just be taking the bike for a spin today.  However, now I can turn up the intensity, so I hope to get a good ride in.

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