Monday, June 27, 2011

Thursday-Monday Training and Diet

Having been off since Thursday, I took a break from blogging but that doesn't mean I haven't trained.  I have been pretty lax on my diet, but I do intend to go back to the same rigors of training and dieting starting tomorrow.   Here's what I've done the last few days:

I got into the gym early in the morning just like I would when I was at work.  I had to get in and out though since I had to run an errand for the kids' breakfast, but I got a quick shoulder workout done.   Diet-wise, I did have some Chinese food with family for lunch, and while I didn't indulge in fried food, I did try out some other stuff I normally wouldn't eat.

I got to ride with a couple BRCM team members for a 40+ miler.  It could have been longer, but I'm glad I got to get back pretty early to hang out with the family.  I had sushi with the wife for lunch, and a chicken burrito for dinner.  Not too bad.

It was suppose to be a rest day, but I did shoot some hoop with the kids while we were at a graduation party.   I had more sushi with the kids for lunch, and a chicken taco at the party.  Since I was going to ride up Baldy on Sunday, I also gave in to my wife wanting to order McDonald's 50 piece chicken nugget.  I think I had about 13.   No fries though.   Not the best pre-ride meal...the things I do for my wife and kids.  HA

Had a big ride up Baldy with almost 4 hours of seat time.  This was a good ride and I felt I was able to burn off all that I ate the last couple days before.  I did have a couple beers at the end of the ride, and then ate out with the family for dinner.   I had a burger! 

This was my last day off, and while I was thinking of working out in the morning, I ended up sleeping in with the wife.  It was nice to get some sleep after waking up at 4 a.m. on Sunday.  Instead of weight training, I went mountain biking with the wife in some nearby hills where there's a flag overlooking Dana Point and San Clemente.  It was a light trainer, but there was a couple decent hills to go up.  My meals today were just okay, but I can't wait to be back on the wagon again tomorrow. 

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