Monday, June 20, 2011

Yesterday's Ride, Chest Day and Cardio again

Yesterday's 80+ miler bike ride did work my legs some, but it wasn't too bad.  I felt sleepy when I got home where I tried to take a nap, but my legs were a little achy making it difficult to do so.  Based on the weekend eating celebrations, I only had to have 2 gels and 1 Shot Bloks yesterday.  I also had 3 bottles of Ultima with some to spare.

I had thought about skipping the gym this morning given that I turned 44 today.  However, because of easing up on my diet a little the last couple days, I decided otherwise.    I had a GREAT chest workout today, and was still in "race" mode in there.  I got in 5 exercises and just went for it on each set.  I also got my core training in, but I backed off a little on the lower back both on weight and reps.  Last week, when I stepped up the weight, I felt some random twinges subsequently...not good. 

For my lunch trainer, I'll be doing some more cardio.  I may bring in my bike though just to get some miles in depending on what we do this Thursday now that a new series is starting on the crits.  We'll see.

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