Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Legs and Spin Class

When I woke up and started to get ready for the gym, I felt really tired and thought man, it's going to be a tough morning.  After getting changed, I looked up and noticed that it was only 1:30 a.m.  I guess I was on auto pilot a little too early.  Fortunately, I was able to go back to sleep.  I did make it to the gym during my normal time though, but it was in the gym clothes I had fallen back asleep in.  Lovely.

I worked my legs again today, and as has been the case the last 2 weeks, I just punished them.  Despite our Baldy training and the last 2 days of spin and cycling, I was still able to push and get a really good leg workout.  Since I was hitting some really high reps today, I didn't get in as many exercises: 2 calves (seated calf extensions on super seated leg press and isolated calf extensions on machine), 2 for quads (bilateral leg extensions and super seated leg press) and 1 hamstring (seated leg curls).  Legs were pretty cooked after.  On the leg press, I had to stand with a bend to m knees while the handles on it propped me up since I almost blacked out...twice.  Maybe that was just a little too strenuous.  HA HA

I look forward to joining Madison's spin class at lunch today.  I know my legs will feel like dead weight by then, but I'll still do what I can to get a good cardio workout from it.  Should be good.

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