Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Spin, Shoulders and More Riding

As an update to yesterday's blog, I didn't get to ride my bike yesterday but did get in a spin class with the guys for the first time.  It was definitely a worthy substitution and something I may do more often when the weather isn't cooperative.  

For today, I skipped the legs this week again in anticipation of saving up for this weekend.  I know the other guys like to work their legs leading up to these long rides we do, but I always worry that doing so may cause mine to pop during the ride.  Maybe it's a mental thing...or maybe I'm just a wuss.  Either way, I'll hit the leg training once again next week.

I did go straight to shoulders today, and I had a great workout.  I felt I was able to hit both the intensity level both aerobically and anaerobically.  To clarify, my muscles and my heart got a good workout.  My shoulders are worked! 

Let's shoot for a lunch ride of cycling today.  I hope to bring in my camera to record again, so I'll probably stay in the back.  I'll use a chest mount, so I hope the video comes out good.

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