Monday, October 10, 2011

Yesterday' Binge, Today's Make up

Oh my did I have a binge session yesterday.  While I didn't eat too much after Saturday's ride, I more than made up for it yesterday.  I figured I was going to just indulge and then start a new training cycle starting today, and that's exactly what I did.  The guilt from yesterday's food was crazy, so my training this morning was off the hook. 

I worked my chest and EVERY single exercise had drop sets and pushed me beyond failure and definitely hitting 100% intensity.  I was thinking people at the gym who saw me were thinking that I probably lost my mind, but I didn't care (as is the case normally).  I'm in there to get it done, and whether anyone is offended or impressed doesn't matter to me in the least. 

Today, I plan to ride my bike at lunch, so let the Stagecoach training begin.  I will be riding more and more throughout the rest of the year, and I hope I can encourage others who want to be in a team to work toward it with me.

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