Monday, October 31, 2011

Yesterday's Ride Analysis, Morning Pecs and Lunchtime Spin

6 hours plus on the saddle with 7 hours total elapsed time made for a long ass day.  I brought 3 waffles, 4 gels, and 3 packages of shot bloks along with 5 bottles of electrolytes to get me through it and it was probably just enough.  Had the weather not been so warm toward the end, I think it would have worked out where I could have avoided cramping.  Our last break was probably just a little longer for my legs, and it took a while to get back up to speed from it after feeling so good right before.  If I could do it again, I'd probably drink more and probably have one more gel or waffle.

I was contemplating working out this morning, but last night I binged because I just kept getting hungry.  Of course, I did so later in the evening so I felt like crap this morning.  Thus, off to the gym I went.  I had a pretty good chest workout getting in 5 exercises.  I also got to work my abs but didn't get to work my lower back.  It is hard to get a sweat going when you come in from outside where it's 46 degrees, but I managed to break a sweat nonetheless. 

For lunch training, I plan on getting on the spin bike for an hour.  I do hope to take it easy today and allow my legs to fully recover from yesterday.  They felt pretty bad last night, but not too bad this morning.  I know spinning will get the blood flowing through them again.  Should be good.

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