Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Back Day and "Lite" Lunch Ride

I had a good workout this morning but I didn't do any type of progressive resistance training.  For the most part, I pretty much repeated the same weight for each set, except maybe on one exercise (but I dropped the weight).  I just banged out as many reps as I could as has been the case for some time now, and also continued to focus on having the movement be explosive.  I got 5 exercises in plus lower back and abs. 

For lunch, I need to take my BMC out and try out the cassette I borrowed from Todd to make sure everything is working okay.  I'll probably suggest a route with some hills just to make sure everything is shifting okay, but I don't want to go nutty out there today.  My legs feel a little tired and I doubt it's from spinning yesterday as much as playing that damn Dance Central 2 with my kids last night.  It's all good though. 

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