Monday, January 16, 2012

Friday, The Race, and Today's Training

On Friday, I still went into the gym but sat on the spin bike for an hour just to relieve some anxiety and keep the blood circulating through my legs.  It's always hard to pull back, but I managed not to break too much of a sweat. 

Saturday was race day and definitely had me pushing to the max for just over 4.5 hours.  All the training and conditioning paid off where we not only got it done time-wise, we did so with managed hydration and intake as well.  I had 2 GU Gels, 1 Honey stinger, 1 package of Shot Bloks (still had some left over though) and only filled up one additional bottle at the half, which I didn't get to until the end of the ride.  At the halfway point of the ride, I still had 1.5 bottles, but I decided to drain the .5 and refill with water only.  I think I probably could have used one more honey gel for the last 5 miles, but overall, I seemed to have had enough energy throughout.  It was just tough to get to since we were just pushing so hard and the rotations were a little faster.  I did have a little stomach cramp toward the end from pushing so hard all morning long, but I ignored it since I knew it would only be temporary.  I'm happy with how everything worked out and I hope my teammates were happy as well.  My back, however, was definitely strained from the TT position and my unfamiliarity with it, but that too was a small price to pay considering our win.

Since I rested on Sunday and ate a bunch, I was back in the gym this morning despite my back still not being 100%.  I did take it easy considering, but wanted to get in and burn some calories.  I got a decent chest workout but only got in 4 exercises along with 2 core.  Good enough for today. 

For lunch, I plan on joining Madison's spin class as my legs are feeling better, but we'll see how my back feels by then.  If it doesn't feel great, I'll tone it down for sure.

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