Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 Wrap-up and Starting 2012

It's  been over a week since I blogged about my training, but that doesn't mean I haven't been training.  I've been off work since 12-23-11, so I've just taken some time off from writing as well.  Now that it's 2012, I'm back to the grind but let me summarize the last week first:

12-23-11 - 91 mile trainer with the team.  Got sick as a dog after.
12-24-11 and 12-25-11 - Took these days off from training and rested to try and get over what I caught.
12-26-11 - 100 mile training ride with Vince and Adrian.  Couldn't breathe.
12-27-11 - Went to the gym and did chest workout (or tried to).  It was a horrible workout and I was gassing out so fast without ever being able to get any kind of pump.  I even almost cramped up when I did my abs. 
12-28-11 - I did a solo 69.5 mile ride.  Focus was just hill training.  I was still sick, but I did what I could.
12-29-11 and 12-30-11 - 1 hour spin bike training at the gym.  I actually started to feel better after my ride from the day before.
12-31-11 - 98 mile trainer with the team.  Definitely was breathing better on this ride and legs hung in there as well.
1-1-12 - I took the day off from training but I played Dance Central 2 with my kids for a few hours. 

With 358 miles of training (not including the spin sessions), you'd think I'd be tired from that but what's funny is this morning, I felt worked from having played that game with my kids.   My lower back definitely was feeling a little worn from doing "moves" I just wasn't used to. Oh well.

I still managed to get up and work my chest out, which was much better than last week's for sure.  I got 6 exercises in and was able to re-focus on the high rep explosiveness training I was doing last year.  I also did my core training as well. 

For lunch, I plan on jumping on the spin bike for an hour or so to get back into the swing of my 2/day training.   I hope 2012 will be just as good or better than 2011. 

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