Thursday, January 12, 2012

Yesterday, Today and Tapering

I didn't get to blog yesterday because I never made it in to the gym in the morning.  My phone, which is what I use for my alarm clock, was having a problem with playing sounds, so it didn't wake me up.  It would have been my leg day, but I was planning on skipping it anyway.  I would have done shoulders, but since I didn't get up early enough, I skipped it all together. 

I did go on a lunch ride with Vince yesterday just to get in some time on the aero bars I installed the other night.  We didn't go too hard, so it was a nice 20 mile spin.  There were moments were we pushed though, especially just to see what it would be like to do so on the aero, but nothing too crazy.  I think I learned a couple things from it though:  I still plan on climbing like I normally do despite trying to see what it was like climbing on the aeros based on the muscles used; the bars have little to no impact on the climbing when I do so from the drops. 

For today's training,  I got my shoulders trained and it was a pretty good workout.  I did try to taper by not doing any progressive resistance training (except one exercise), but I still ended up hitting a pretty good intensity level.  5 exercises done and 2 more exercises for core.   

For lunch, I do plan on joining Madison's spin class but I may sit in the back to keep from being pushed too hard.   We'll see how that pans out.

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