Friday, January 6, 2012

Yesterday's Ride, Shoulder Day and Spin?

I didn't get in the gym yesterday morning since I had to fast the night before for a doctor's appointment I had early.   Thus, I slept in, which felt great since my kids have been tiring me out at night with their Dance Central 2 game.  HA HA.  I did make it out to a ride yesterday, and the pace was just ridiculous. The team is looking great though, so I'm excited about next week's race.  I just wish I didn't have problems with my bike towards the tail end of the ride. 

Today, I made it to the gym again in the morning and made up my shoulder workout I missed yesterday.  I had a great workout and got through 5 exercises for my shoulders plus my core workout.  Again, love my new songs on can be so motivating.

At lunch time, I'm considering doing Lauren's spin class, but I may pull back and skip depending on what the ride plan is for tomorrow.  I may just suck it up and do it regardless and just suffer through tomorrow, so I'll be ready for next week.  We'll see.

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