Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mixed Back and Double BB Lunch Ride

Continuing on with the mode I started yesterday, I trained in mixed mode again today and did a high intensity low reps set along with multiple low intensity high rep sets.  From yesterday's chest training, my chest felt like it was pretty worked and if anything, the change to the training is probably promoting adaptation...a good thing.  I am hoping to get the same results from today's back workout.  I did end up finishing my training a bit early based on this mixed mode as one of the sets for each exercise performed was reduced to a significantly lower rep set and thus not taking as much to complete.  I was still panting at the end of some of these sets along with the low rep ones, so I think it was a pretty good workout overall.  I also trained my core.

For today's cardio, the plan is to ride and hopefully where everyone agrees to do double back bay.  My legs feel less than 100% probably based on Sunday + yesterday's spin (I opted to spin in lieu of run since Eddie came with me), so we'll see how things go for me today.  I'll make the best out of it no matter what.

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