Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shoulders, My Weight, and Legs

So today, I decided to once again skip a leg workout to save up for this weekend's race.   Next week, I should be back on schedule.  I will be training them further by cycling once again today to further increase their conditioning.  They're getting more and more accustomed to cycling where they don't seem to balk as much after a training ride.  Let's hope for more of the same today.

I did get a shoulder workout this morning.  5 exercises (3 lateral movements - front, side and rear and 2 press movements - alternating and bilateral).  Also got my core workout done this morning as well. 

Big news:  I weighed myself yesterday after the ride and I was down to 159.  I have not been under 160 for a while now, so this is big to me.   I've been down to 160 in the last year or 2, but one difference is my waist is probably the smallest it's been for years.  I think the new training style with the emphasis on cycling is helping, but the biggest factor is my diet.  The fibrous carbs at night are giving me enough energy for the next day's ride, but not storing as much since they tend to burn more calories being digested than what they actually contain.  I told Lisa I can do this for a while, so let's see where it takes me in the next few months.


  1. Good job Rich :)

    The loss of weight is turning you into a hill climbing machine! A perfect combo you and your BMC Hill Racing Machine.

  2. Thanks, Shannon! The weight loss is helping for sure.
