Monday, March 7, 2011

Yesterday's Ride, Chest Day, and Cardio

Yesterday's ride was pretty intense, so I wanted to track the nutrition I used for it for future reference.  I had 1 Vanilla GU, 1 Honey Stinger gel and 2 Honey Waffles.  Since it was fairly cool, 2 24-oz bottles got me through although just barely.  Hopefully, this Saturday's century shouldn't require too much more. 

I didn't think I was that tired from the ride and was hoping to do more at home.  However, after uploading my Garmin stats, I crashed.  I think it messed up my sleep last night, but I still managed to get up and get to the gym.

I had a pretty decent chest workout today.  There are some movements that made me feel a little twinge in my elbow, so I guess the strap goes back on today and for the rest of the week.  4 sets of bench press, 3 sets on the pec deck, 3 sets of incline press (machine), 3 sets of decline press (machine) and 3 sets of cable cross overs from the bottom.  I also did abs this morning, but I skipped lower back.

For today's cardio, I contemplated on a little lunch ride but decided against it considering this morning's wet weather conditions.   I'll be hitting up the elliptical instead and hope to get some interval training on it. 

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