Thursday, March 31, 2011

Shoulders and Lunch Ride

Here's what I did in the gym this morning for my shoulder workout:
3 sets - front dumbbell raises
3 sets - alternating isolated machine press
3 sets - alternating side dumbbell raises
3 sets - rear bi-lateral delts (machine)

Each set was with a rep range of 30+ and was to failure.  There were times I couldn't breathe, but I would just pause and then keep going until I couldn't lift anymore.  I typically do 2 pressing movements, but I skipped one today...I know, slacker, right? 

I got more core training in as well for lower back and abs. 

For yesterday's lunch ride, I felt great but was literally disappointed with my calves blowing up like they did.  I thought they were actually going to hold up, but I guess with Vince, Todd, Eddie and Mitchell pushing the pace, it was just a matter of time.  The oddity was that when they did blow up, I felt great otherwise and wanted to keep going.  However, when both were locking up, it was just enough to keep moving forward.

For today's ride, I'm expecting that my legs should be good.  It's usually only the day of the leg weight training that they lock up like that.  We'll see.

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