Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sleep, Leg Training and the Knee

For the last few nights, I've been waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep.  Of course, I'm drowsy by the time the alarm goes off, so it makes it difficult to get up to work out.  I know it won't be long before this lack of rest is going to catch up, so I may have to do something different tonight to help.

At the gym, I managed to get to the gym and get some leg training in, which I skipped last week because of how it felt behind my knee.  Well, during some glutes (kick back) and quad training (leg press), I felt some discomfort again where I finally decided to call it quits rather than make it worse.  I didn't get to train the hamstrings because of this, but I had a good workout for my calves, and I got to do a lot of leg extensions as well.

Today, I'm bringing the R3 in and "save" the state of the RM for next weekend.  I'll probably bring out the RM one more time next week just to make sure everything is working well, but I'm looking forward to getting on the R3 again. 


  1. Some other overachievers have similar issues:
