Monday, February 28, 2011

Chest Day and Progressive Resistance

It took a little to get up this morning, but I managed to get in the gym on time.  I didn't want to fall behind schedule again this week as I had last week with President's day.  Got my 5 exercises for chest and my 2 exercises for my core.

I typically always do progressive or pyramid training for each exercise, but chose to hit some of the exercises repeating the same weight.  Progressive resistance seems to work real well for building strength, but since that's not the mode I'm in, I thought I'd just max out rep-wise every set with the same weight.  I still believe I'm achieving 100% intensity or close to it, so the muscles are getting worked. 

I decided not to bring in my bike today, so elliptical for lunch training good enough. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

60 miler with the guys and 16 more with the lady

GPS stats: and

The most tiring part of today's ride was just trying to stay warm.  Cold weather was definitely the biggest challenge, especially in the first hour or so.  Pace was not the usual BRCM pace, which was actually nice.  We did go BRCM up the hills though, so that was fun. 

For the 60 miler, I only went through 1 and 1/4 of my bottles.  Maybe even not that much.  I also went through 2 Honey Waffle Stingers (yum!)  and 1 Honey stinger gel.  I also had a small bold coffee at the Starbucks.  That seemed to hold me over for today's ride.

Lisa's been wanting to ride with  me for a while, so I took her out for a 16 miler (coffee at San Clemente and back)  I was trying to provide her a good draft by sitting up right the whole time, and we got 17.5 mph average.  She was doing real well when I'd hold us at 20-22 through some of the stretches, but she tired on the way back at Camino Capistrano.  She did really well though considering she doesn't ride too much.

Since I've been wanting to do a minimum of 70 miles a weekend, today's rides met this quote.  I hope next week is just as good.  2 weeks before Solvang!

I can't seem to get enough food, so I just dusted off a Met-Rx after having had dinner.  Now I guess I just need to get to bed and hope I get enough sleep for tomorrow's workout.  Now should I bring the bike in tomorrow?  Hmmm.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Rest Day and Cleat Adjustment

I got up kind of late and was contemplating a gym visit for some easy cardio, but decided against it in favor of running errands with the wife.  I did have some pretty hearty meals in anticipation of a big ride tomorrow, but the starchy carbs are still very limited. 

Legs are feeling pretty good, and knees feel about 95%.  I got to sit on the trainer today and adjust my cleat position and it seemed to help a lot.   I also spun for a little bit on both bikes on the trainer to ensure that the cleat position was good all around.  Probably spun for about a total of 10-15 minutes only.  Clipping in/out seems to be getting easier, so let's hope for a good time tomorrow.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Arms and Rest Day

I was contemplating either doing my legs this morning or cardio, but after 4 straight days of cycling and with the back of my knees still hinting some discomfort, I decided to just work my arms out instead.  I'll need to play around with the positioning of my cleats to see if I can alleviate this problem over the weekend, so I hope to be back on track next week.

For my arm workout, the emphasis today was on triceps where I did 3 exercises for it and only 2 for biceps.  One of my concerns with doing a lot of reps with light weights is how it may cause soreness in the joints, so I was really focused on not perform full extensions (locking out) during the movements.  It's tough to do when I using performing positive movements explosively though, but I managed.

Resting for lunch today since recruiter is taking some of our management team out.  I already looked up what to eat so I can stay in line with my diet.  I hope the Ahi is good.  I just hope I can refrain from ordering a beer.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shoulder, Cycling and Knee Problem

Typically, leg days follow my back days, but I was having some problems yesterday with a little discomfort in the back of left knee.  I felt it first walking up stairs at home in the morning, and didn't feel it much after...until my first few downstrokes once on the bike.  I almost decided not to ride, but after a few more, the pain went away and thus far hasn't been noticeable.  I sat more forward on the seat the whole time yesterday, and this seemed to help. 

I worked out shoulders this morning, and since I had to get back early, I banged it out with probably less than a minute rest between each set and exercise.  I managed to get 5 exercises in with 20-50 reps and do my lower back and ab exercises as well.

We ride again today, so I hope knee holds up.  Feels okay now.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Back and Bike Day

Made it to the gym this morning to get in my back workout.  For some reason, I had a hard time in trying to get 100% intensity in my sets today.  I tried drop sets, squeezing out extra reps, etc., and back still didn't ever feel worked.   Nonetheless, I did what I could with 5 different exercises and some ab work this morning.

Yesterday's bike ride was pretty intense, but it was good to be able to hang on with the front group.  More of the same today, and if Todd comes out, I'm betting we'll be doing some climbing.  My legs feel a little better than yesterday though, so maybe I'll do better.

One thing to mention was that I only had broccoli for my carbs last night, but surprisingly, I didn't feel too hungry this morning.    I may have to eat more tonight for tomorrow's ride as I'm pretty sure I'll bottom out otherwise.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chest and Cycling

I had a hard time getting up this morning since I was still tired from yesterday's ride.  Legs are feeling a little tight, but I managed to get up and get in despite.  I was a little timid walking around the gym, but luckily, it was chest day.

Today, my chest workout was as follows:
4 sets on the bench (pyramid)
3 sets pec deck (same weight - high rep)
4 sets machine decline press (3 to 4th set was a drop set)
3 sets machine incline press (increasing)
3 sets bottom cable crossovers (high rep)

I also did my lower back and abs.

Brought the bike in to get some pedaling in again, but not sure how legs will be.  We'll see.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Solo 70-miler: the Ride, the Race Machine, and the Pedals

GPS stats:

I couldn't persuade anyone to come out today, so had to fly solo and hence my blog on my training site vs. our BRCM team blog.  It was nice to have some alone time on the BMC Race Machine as this was the first time I was taking it out for a longer ride.  I don't think I could have enjoyed it as much had I've been trying to play keep up/catch up with the other guys today.

The weather was still a little cool when I got out some time after 9 a.m.  I did wear a base layer today along with some arm warmers, but I did have the shortie gloves and just my bib shorts on.  It pretty much stayed cool throughout, and there was a SSW wind that kept me cool as well, but also worked my ass on the way back.

On Antonio, I met up with a racer named Neal and he rode out with me all the way over Live Oak but turned around at Cooks.   He was on a team bike (Cannondale SuperSix) and had the typical racer built (6'4", lanky).  It was cool to ride with him for a while including up Live Oak.  I found out he's only in town to train since where he lives, it's only 28 degrees.  He's also getting ready to get an Orbea team bike, so his 57" SuperSix is for sale.  How do I get a team bike?!?

Anyway, it was fun to play catch up once over the first hill on Santiago after Cooks.  Along with some recreational riders, I caught a few guys with their full race kits on.  I think one was a younger guy in a Velosport kit, but he didn't seem to happy after getting passed on the hill.  I was planning on hitting Silverado on the way out, but I saw some people ahead of it where I liked being in chase mode better.

On the way back, I just turned around before getting to Jamboree just to keep going.  I had passed 2 guys and was working on getting some speed up on the downhill when I saw a lady across the street walking her bike with a flat rear.  I did my good Samaritan deed by stopping, fixing her flat (rather than letting her have her husband pick her up), and getting her back on the road.  She didn't have any CO2 or tire levers, so I hooked her up telling her that I hope if my wife has the same problem, some good Samaritan can return the favor.

Back on the road, I went up and down Silverado, finished the canyon, went up to Live Oak again, and back down on Antonio back to my house.  I felt good going down Antonio, but had a moment where the winds were just making it too hard to keep my rhythm so I did slow up a bit on some sections I normally don't.  In the end, I didn't hit any kind of land speed records, but I managed a 17.9 mph average on a route with 5500+ feet of elevation gain.  Good enough.

Since I was able to put some miles on the BMC and how it now has my EA90 SLX along with my Red cassette, I thought I'd mention how the ride went on it for me.  I gotta say, the bike rode like a dream today.   It felt great going up hills and seemed to make small work of them.  I even stood the whole time going up Antonio on the big chain ring.  I also liked the way the bike turns where it seems to turn in pretty easy, holds a line better than my R3, and just gave me more confidence probably based on how there's no toe overlap.  The hairpin turn going down Live Oak seemed a lot less scary today.  On the straights, it also felt like it tracked well.   I was expecting to bounce around based on the frame's stiffness, but was surprised how compliant it was even over the rougher surfaces.   Since the geometry was different than what I was used to, my lower back did feel a little more tired than normal, but I'm sure being on the drops most of the ride was more of a factor.  I LOVE how this position feels on this bike though.

Here's the new bike:

The one thing that made this hard a little less fun was clipping in/out of the pedals.  I'm still having problems clipping in on the right side, and I think it's mostly because I have it torqued down too much.  I need to loosen it again and put some loc-tite and see if that helps.  For 3/4 of the ride, I had to unclip on the left side, which was not as natural for me.  Oh well,  I hope I can get this sorted out.  Otherwise, I do like the way the Speedplays feel, so I'll keep trying.

For today's ride nutrition, I had the following only:
2 bottles with Ultima
1 package of Shotbloks
2 Honey Stingers
1 Vanilla GU

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Cardio at Miramar

Still down in San Diego today, and without a bike, I thought I'd switch out my cardio for tomorrow with today and do a long ride tomorrow weather-permitting.  

Today, I got a half hour on the stationary followed by another half hour on the elliptical.  Since I felt pretty rested given I got up later and also had a Met-Rx bar in the morning, I worked up a pretty good sweat on both.

Since then, I had a protein shake, a protein bar, and finally a Starbucks caramel americano.  I'll eat something with a little more substance later for dinner when we go out with the in-laws.  I'll need it for tomorrow's ride.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Only Arms Training

Being in San Diego today, I got to go to my old gym (Miramar 24 Hr Fitness).   Since I went just before noon, I wasn't expecting too many people in there.   Surprisingly, there were more people but I guess since it was raining, more people went to train or be active indoors. 

I did a quick 5 minute warmup on the stationary bike, and went straight to business.  Today, the focus for arm day was triceps, so I hit this first.  I did single overhead extentions, rope pull downs, single pull downs, and a tricep machine where I performed the exercises unilaterally.  I performed 3 sets per exercise.

For biceps, I did alternating cable curls followed by machine preacher curls.  I performed 3 sets of each of these as well.  I would have looked for one more exercise for biceps, but my arms felt pretty cooked. 

I finished off with a 50 rep set on the ab machine.

No cardio today.  I'm trying to eat right while down in San Diego, and so far, I'm doing pretty good.  I did have some bread today but earlier on.  I didn't have too much starchy carbs for dinner.  I'm still trying to get through the night diet-wise, and I just had a protein bar hopefully to hold me over until tomorrow. 

I won't get to ride tomorrow being that I didn't bring down the bike because of the weather.  I will, however, go into the gym again in the morning to get in a 1 hr session.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cardio and Carb Depleting

Since I'm off work today, I got up a little later than normal to go to the gym.  Given that I had another night of low carbs, I was really feeling it this morning.  However, a cup of coffee was able to stifle my hunger where I managed to go and get some cardio. 

Since the cardio this week has been pretty intense with 3 rides and one interval elliptical for 60 minutes, I took it a little slower today just to burn some fat.  I hit up the elliptical with the rowing for 30 minutes and the stationary bike for another 30.  I still got a good sweat going, but I didn't feel too worked at the end.  I couldn't wait to get home and have my Met-Rx though.

Dieting will be tough since I'm off today, but I do hope to manage my fat/carb intake today.  I'll mostly be on bars through the day but will be going out to lunch or dinner later with the family. 

I hope to get in an arm workout later on this afternoon, but if not, I'll make it up tomorrow.   Although it's suppose to be a rest day, the arm workout shouldn't be too bad.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Shoulder and Cycling

Got the shoulder workout in this morning despite feeling a little low on carbs.  Still managed to do the following:

Alternating lateral dumbell raises (3 sets)
Seated bi-lateral shoulder press - machine (3 sets with last one a drop set)
Alternating front cable raises ( 3 sets)
Seated alternating shoulder press - machine (3 sets with last a drop set)
Rear delt machine (3 sets)
Lower back machine - 80 reps
Abs - 50 reps

Legs are still feeling yesterday's workout, but I'm hoping for the best for the lunch time ride.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Leg Day and Cardio

This morning was a little tough since my legs were still feeling it from the last couple days of cycling.  However, the OCD prevailed and I managed to get into the gym on time and get my leg workout in.  I actually had a great workout but the high rep sets limited me from doing too much.

I was doing 30-50 reps on each set and it was intense.  In some regard, I think it's actually more intense than heavy weight training because you can push to the brink of the muscle's capability without worrying too much about hurting what I'd like to call the auxiliary muscles that help in the movement.

I worked calves, hamstrings and quads, but ran out of time to do some glutes training (kick backs).  I'll have to hit that up second next week after calves.  I like to hit calves first since it's always what I think needs the most work.

The walk to the car was a slow one.

For cardio today, I was going to hit up the spin bike since buddy Adrian was showing me how cool the one in our work gym was.  However, I think I need to tone it done a little where I'll do a mild fat-burning elliptical workout instead. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tired Legs and Diet

Well now I've done it.  Legs actually feel fatigue after 2 straight days of some pretty aggressive riding on the new bike...that and the century on Saturday.  The problem with this is that tomorrow's my leg day for weights.  I may have to see if I can get some extra sleep tonight to rest up my legs.  Skipping is not an option.

For tonight, I backed off a little on the carbs since I don't expect to be riding hard in the next couple days.  I only had 2/3 of my sweet potato (yam).  For tomorrow, I plan to actually avoid the starchy carbs for dinner and just do fibrous.  Carb depleting like this can be good in that when I load before my next ride, my body should hold onto it more and hopefully have more available when riding...hopefully.

I weighed myself today and was down to 162.  All that riding since Saturday and down only another pound.  Losing weight fast is never a good thing, but it sure does try my patience waiting.  Waist size is lower than I recall last year though, so I guess the weight training is helping a lot to hold onto the muscle and keep me from dropping too quickly.  Let's see what next month holds for me.

Back and More Cycling

It was back day at the gym today and I did the following:

Alternating cable pull-downs (3 sets)
Alternating rows on machine (3 sets with last one a drop set)
Standing cable pull (3 sets)
Machine pull over for lats (3 sets)
Seated bilateral rows on machine (3 sets with last one a drop set)

I also did a high rep low weight lower rear back exercise on a machine plus some abs to complete the core training for the day.

Planning on doing a lunch ride today.  Legs feel a little tired from yesterday's ride, but at least they're not sore. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Chest and Cycling Day

One of the things I realized this morning was how I don't snooze the alarm when I get up to go to the gym.  I just get up.  When I wasn't working out in the morning, I would probably hit it about 3-4 times.  I guess I find more meaning with having to go to the gym in the morning, where I get up with a purpose.  Just more insight into the mind of a madman.

I got my chest workout done this morning, and it was another high rep set day with drop sets on a couple different exercise.  My first "warm up" set set the tone where I did 50 reps of 135 lbs. on the bench.  My strength was zapped after that, but I went with the flow and just kept pushing the reps out as much as I can.  I was able to bang out a quick workout to give me enough time to get out a little early and pick up some donuts for the wife.  I did do some ab work and pushed it a little where I was worried I was going to cramp up, but just managed to avoid it.

For my cardio today, I want to hit the bike since the forecast this week looks like rain starting on Wednesday.  Plus, I have my BMC setup now, so it's ready to get some miles on it.  The only thing I don't have on it is a cadence meter, which I'll just leave on my R3.  Speedplays will be in effect. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Recovery Day and the Diet

After yesterday's century (, I decided to take the day off of training today.  I would have gone out for a spin, but my daughter and friend came over for a visit.  I'll resume the training again tomorrow. 

After I got home from yesterday, I was trying to resume my diet but it was tough.  I ate chicken, vegetables, and some light pasta salad and limited my serving.  Due to the long ride, however, I was pretty much hungry after an hour again.  I snacked on bars, and finally ate some treetop black forest fruit snacks to let me not go to bed hungry.   

I woke up hungry as hell this morning, so I had a Met-RX off the bat along with a cup of coffee.  I had about 2-3 bars through the day, and ultimately had dinner with my kids at  Brodard, a Vietnamese restaurant.  I ordered a wokked clear noodless with crabmeat and shrimp, which did filled me up for an hour or so.   I then had one more bar and finally, after starving, decided to have a teriyaki breast with a little more pasta.  I think I'm good for the night.  I just wish the feeling of the void in my stomach would go away...soon.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Palm Springs Pre-ride

So today is the Palm Springs Century and I'm up before Eddie to get a head start. It's 4:30 am and I'm anxious just to get started. I'm really hoping for a good ride, so I'm feeling pretty good right now. I hope we can deal with early morning temperatures since it'll be hot later on. Fuel-wise, I hope the extra carbs and fats help out today. Looking forward to kicking ass out there.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pre-Ride Preparation

Since I have a big ride tomorrow, I skipped the gym this morning and took the whole day off training wise.  I still got up earlier than preferred, but at least my legs should be rested. 

As for my diet today, I ate lunch with the guys I was riding with and ate a little more carbs than normal.  For dinner, it was more of the same but I actually ate some cheese and avocado with my chicken and rice.  I also had some chips but not too much.  I've been snacking on fat free fig newtons this evening, but overall, I think it wasn't too bad.  I would have liked more carbs, but I felt pretty good this evening.  I should be motivated to go by tomorrow. 

Bike is ready to roll!  Now I just need to get some Z's for the early a.m. preparation.  Should be a killer ride. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cardio and Bike Fitting

For today's training, I decided to skip the arm workout and do a light cardio this morning to continue working on conditioning since I won't be able to ride today.  I figure that training my arms today won't do for me as much for this weekend as trying to drop more body fat.  I hope to do half hour on the elliptical and another half on a stationary bike. 

Today, I get fitted on the BMC.  I was contemplating on riding to the store from work, but I have a narrow timeline to do it by so I scrapped the idea.  I think the bike will be ready to ride for this weekend, but I'm afraid of the lack of seat time on it where it may present some unforeseen problem as a result.  I'd rather stick with the tried and true R3 for this one...I think. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Shoulder and Cycling Day

Wednesdays are typically leg days, but with a big ride this weekend, I did shoulders today instead.  My back and chest were still a little tight from the last 2 days, so it was a little challenging.  I'm still hitting the light weights, and changed up my lateral dumbbell raises with cables.  I also changed the order around a bit, so shoulders do feel pretty worked.

I had a good ride yesterday, so I'm hoping for more of the same today.  We'll see who I end up riding with depending on who comes out, but I think one more day of cycling should be good.  I was almost tempted to bring out the new bike today, but I decided to wait until I can get some frame protectors to protect areas from cable rub.  My Cervelo's been feeling real good lately anyway, and more training on it should help keep me in check for this weekend. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Back and Cycling at Lunch

Got my back work out this morning, and since the rep count was pretty high for each set, I was only able to get 4 exercises in in addition to my lower back and ab workout.  My lower back didn't feel too great, but I managed to get my workout done nonetheless.  I am pulling back some considering I have a big ride this weekend, so the last thing I need to do is get hurt before then.  Good workout.

Looking forward to lunch ride.  Depending on participation level, it may be a fast one.  Weather may be ideal if wind isn't too bad. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Chest and Cardio

Up for this morning's chest workout.  More of the same light explosive movements planned.  5 exercises with 3-4 sets each including a drop set here and there.  I did contemplate doing cardio this morning, but the equipment at the 24 gives me more choices that I can't pass up.  Plus, IF I decide I want to ride my bike for lunch, I'll have that option.

Enjoyed the day off of training yesterday after last week's hill cycling frenzy.  Legs didn't feel too bad yesterday, so I'll have to see what I want to do today going toward this weekend's century.   I may save it for tomorrow's flatter route (maybe Portola), so I can try and hang on up front and help push on the way back. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Today's Training Ride - Nutrition Info

Here's the ride blog from today's ride:

For this ride, I brought 2 Shot Bloks, 2 Vanilla GUs, 4 Honey Gels, and 1 Cliff bar.  I also mixed 2 additional Ultimas with the 2 that I had in the bottle.  I ended up finishing everything except 1 Shot Blok gel, so it seemed to work out okay.  I think my diet is helping to get me used to doing more with less, but I won't push it since nutrition is so important for these rides.  I also had fig newtons last night, and the additional calories seemed to have helped to keep me from bonking.

For the Palm Springs, I hope to use the above as a baseline.  While the ride is longer, there won't be as much elevation.  If I get to carb up decently the night before, I hope I won't have to add too much.  It'll be just more to carry. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Yesterday's Ride

In yesterday's ride at lunch time, my legs didn't feel too bad going into the ride.  I actually expected to be hurting after riding the hills on Wednesday, but I wasn't.  Curiously, the post ride effects on the legs were also the same in that I wasn't hurting when I was walking.  However, what I did notice was that I wasn't able to put the same level of power down as the day before.  I guess after 3 days of riding straight, with a 2.5K vert the day before, I should not expect too much.  However, it didn't seem to phase Todd too much given he had done the same thing.  Damn goat. 

Today, I'm actually going to back off the bike since they're already talking about different rides on Saturday and Sunday.  While Shannon mentioned doing both, I figure I might as well get some rest today and see what I can do of the two.  I'm figuring if I go ahead and abuse my legs, next week's century shouldn't be so bad.

Today, I just plan on doing arm workout (this morning), and I'll do a light cardio at the gym (no intervals).  I think I'll weigh myself as well and see how that's going.  I was 163 last time I checked. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Shoulder and Trap Day

Damn it was cold this morning.  I knew it was going to be rough when it was 59 degrees inside the house.  On the way to the gym, car was reporting 34 degrees...brrrr. 

Worked shoulders and traps this morning.  5 shoulder exercises (3 sets) and 1 trap exercise (2 sets).  I also got to do lower back and abs after.  I was a little nervous about lower back, but it held up for this old man.  

Looking forward to lunch ride...should be a good one.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Windy Cycling Trainer

Here's the BRCM training blog:

I almost didn't bring my bike in today and was going to opt to just get some cardio in the gym, but I had the bright idea of just doing a Shady bike trail loop to take advantage of the winds.  My legs were pretty worked this morning, but I did want to get on my bike after riding Eddie's yesterday.  Who knew I'd see other Tues/Thurs riders for a hill trainer day.

Had hints of cramping on my left calf but it never got too bad.  It did feel pretty worked after this morning's workout, so I was worried and kept shifting positions just to avoid putting to much on them.  Being on my own bike definitely helped as I wasn't able to move around too much yesterday.

For tomorrow's ride, they want to do it again.  Crazy.

Leg Day and More Cycling

Had a helluva time getting up this morning, but managed to convince myself (again) that I can't quit.  Legs are a little tired from riding Eddie's bike yesterday, so we'll  see what kind of workout I'll have today.  I do plan on bringing my bike in to work for a lunch ride, but undecided as to whether I'll ride with the group or do solo.  Solo was pretty nice yesterday, after I dropped, so I may do this again today and work on the hills. 

Diet still on track.  Nice that in-laws noticed I looked skinnier last night.  While skinny is not the goal, I'm hoping they meant leaner. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2-1-11 Training Day

Started out the morning with a back workout that was just okay.  I didn't feel particularly strong, but the lack of carbs can do that I suppose.  I still repped out the sets as much as I could keeping each one as explosive as possible.  I suppose I'm seeing a difference in my conditioning though, but it sucks to lose strength in the process. 

I also went on a training ride with the BRCM guys today, but borrowed friend's bike.  Since the geometry was different, plus the seat set a little low, I ended up working my legs a little differently where they feel a little more tired than I'd least compared to if I had ridden mine.  It was an impromptu loan since he ended up not bringing helmet/shoes, so he offered to let me ride it.  I should have adjusted seat, but I didn't want to mess with it just for the one time loan. 

Overall, a decent day of training and dieting for the beginning of this month.