Friday, February 25, 2011

Arms and Rest Day

I was contemplating either doing my legs this morning or cardio, but after 4 straight days of cycling and with the back of my knees still hinting some discomfort, I decided to just work my arms out instead.  I'll need to play around with the positioning of my cleats to see if I can alleviate this problem over the weekend, so I hope to be back on track next week.

For my arm workout, the emphasis today was on triceps where I did 3 exercises for it and only 2 for biceps.  One of my concerns with doing a lot of reps with light weights is how it may cause soreness in the joints, so I was really focused on not perform full extensions (locking out) during the movements.  It's tough to do when I using performing positive movements explosively though, but I managed.

Resting for lunch today since recruiter is taking some of our management team out.  I already looked up what to eat so I can stay in line with my diet.  I hope the Ahi is good.  I just hope I can refrain from ordering a beer.

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