Saturday, February 5, 2011

Today's Training Ride - Nutrition Info

Here's the ride blog from today's ride:

For this ride, I brought 2 Shot Bloks, 2 Vanilla GUs, 4 Honey Gels, and 1 Cliff bar.  I also mixed 2 additional Ultimas with the 2 that I had in the bottle.  I ended up finishing everything except 1 Shot Blok gel, so it seemed to work out okay.  I think my diet is helping to get me used to doing more with less, but I won't push it since nutrition is so important for these rides.  I also had fig newtons last night, and the additional calories seemed to have helped to keep me from bonking.

For the Palm Springs, I hope to use the above as a baseline.  While the ride is longer, there won't be as much elevation.  If I get to carb up decently the night before, I hope I won't have to add too much.  It'll be just more to carry. 

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