Saturday, February 19, 2011

Only Arms Training

Being in San Diego today, I got to go to my old gym (Miramar 24 Hr Fitness).   Since I went just before noon, I wasn't expecting too many people in there.   Surprisingly, there were more people but I guess since it was raining, more people went to train or be active indoors. 

I did a quick 5 minute warmup on the stationary bike, and went straight to business.  Today, the focus for arm day was triceps, so I hit this first.  I did single overhead extentions, rope pull downs, single pull downs, and a tricep machine where I performed the exercises unilaterally.  I performed 3 sets per exercise.

For biceps, I did alternating cable curls followed by machine preacher curls.  I performed 3 sets of each of these as well.  I would have looked for one more exercise for biceps, but my arms felt pretty cooked. 

I finished off with a 50 rep set on the ab machine.

No cardio today.  I'm trying to eat right while down in San Diego, and so far, I'm doing pretty good.  I did have some bread today but earlier on.  I didn't have too much starchy carbs for dinner.  I'm still trying to get through the night diet-wise, and I just had a protein bar hopefully to hold me over until tomorrow. 

I won't get to ride tomorrow being that I didn't bring down the bike because of the weather.  I will, however, go into the gym again in the morning to get in a 1 hr session.

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