Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Leg Day and Cardio

This morning was a little tough since my legs were still feeling it from the last couple days of cycling.  However, the OCD prevailed and I managed to get into the gym on time and get my leg workout in.  I actually had a great workout but the high rep sets limited me from doing too much.

I was doing 30-50 reps on each set and it was intense.  In some regard, I think it's actually more intense than heavy weight training because you can push to the brink of the muscle's capability without worrying too much about hurting what I'd like to call the auxiliary muscles that help in the movement.

I worked calves, hamstrings and quads, but ran out of time to do some glutes training (kick backs).  I'll have to hit that up second next week after calves.  I like to hit calves first since it's always what I think needs the most work.

The walk to the car was a slow one.

For cardio today, I was going to hit up the spin bike since buddy Adrian was showing me how cool the one in our work gym was.  However, I think I need to tone it done a little where I'll do a mild fat-burning elliptical workout instead. 

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