Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Windy Cycling Trainer

Here's the BRCM training blog:

I almost didn't bring my bike in today and was going to opt to just get some cardio in the gym, but I had the bright idea of just doing a Shady bike trail loop to take advantage of the winds.  My legs were pretty worked this morning, but I did want to get on my bike after riding Eddie's yesterday.  Who knew I'd see other Tues/Thurs riders for a hill trainer day.

Had hints of cramping on my left calf but it never got too bad.  It did feel pretty worked after this morning's workout, so I was worried and kept shifting positions just to avoid putting to much on them.  Being on my own bike definitely helped as I wasn't able to move around too much yesterday.

For tomorrow's ride, they want to do it again.  Crazy.

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