Friday, February 11, 2011

Pre-Ride Preparation

Since I have a big ride tomorrow, I skipped the gym this morning and took the whole day off training wise.  I still got up earlier than preferred, but at least my legs should be rested. 

As for my diet today, I ate lunch with the guys I was riding with and ate a little more carbs than normal.  For dinner, it was more of the same but I actually ate some cheese and avocado with my chicken and rice.  I also had some chips but not too much.  I've been snacking on fat free fig newtons this evening, but overall, I think it wasn't too bad.  I would have liked more carbs, but I felt pretty good this evening.  I should be motivated to go by tomorrow. 

Bike is ready to roll!  Now I just need to get some Z's for the early a.m. preparation.  Should be a killer ride. 

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