Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tired Legs and Diet

Well now I've done it.  Legs actually feel fatigue after 2 straight days of some pretty aggressive riding on the new bike...that and the century on Saturday.  The problem with this is that tomorrow's my leg day for weights.  I may have to see if I can get some extra sleep tonight to rest up my legs.  Skipping is not an option.

For tonight, I backed off a little on the carbs since I don't expect to be riding hard in the next couple days.  I only had 2/3 of my sweet potato (yam).  For tomorrow, I plan to actually avoid the starchy carbs for dinner and just do fibrous.  Carb depleting like this can be good in that when I load before my next ride, my body should hold onto it more and hopefully have more available when riding...hopefully.

I weighed myself today and was down to 162.  All that riding since Saturday and down only another pound.  Losing weight fast is never a good thing, but it sure does try my patience waiting.  Waist size is lower than I recall last year though, so I guess the weight training is helping a lot to hold onto the muscle and keep me from dropping too quickly.  Let's see what next month holds for me.

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