Thursday, December 22, 2011

Shoulder and Rest

This has been such a weird week weight training-wise.  Monday, I didn't have weight belt.  Tuesday, I only had one wrist strap.  I found the 2nd wrist strap in my car yesterday and put it on top of my gym bag last night, but I grabbed my gym bag this morning without putting it in.  Of course, all of these led to starting off each workout annoyed and also reduced weights, but I suppose I still got good workouts nonetheless...including today.  I got 5 shoulder exercises in along with my core. 

For lunch today, I'm actually going to skip and rest up for a big ride we plan to do tomorrow morning.  My legs were pretty worked yesterday after my spin bike training, and it took getting into my compression pants just to feel okay again.  I jumped in my recovery one as soon as I got home as well. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Leg Day and Self Spin

Another cold morning and hard to get going, but I managed to get in the gym and still get  good leg workout.  Warming up takes a while, but after some stretching exercise, I was able to light up my calves, quads and hamstrings.  My calves workout was pretty brutal and left me hobbling to the leg extensions to begin my quads.  All my exercises were super high rep and were also rhythmic where I tried to follow the music.  It reminds me of cycling so I used a focal point, worked my breathing, and just kept banging out the reps.  I had to pause before walking down the stairs to go home. 

For lunch, I plan to do a long spin (no class today), where I'll probably be on the bike for about 1.5 to 1.75 hours.  I'll be working on breathing, hills, some sprints, and just my cardio base, so I expect to be flooding the floors again.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Strapless Back and Lunch Ride

After having forgotten my belt yesterday, I get to the gym today and find that I only have one wrist strap.  Bummer!  I used my gym bag on Saturday for the ride, and I guess one of my straps had fallen out where hopefully it's just in my car.  I had to workout without any straps today, and it sucks to do so on back days.  With all the pulling done for back,  I need the straps or my wrist and forearms end up hurting.   I managed to get a decent workout without the straps, but the weights were even lighter than they typically are.  My lower back hasn't been too great since I rode Eddie's bike, so I was also taking it easy weight-wise as a result.  I still trained my lower back and abs though in addition to my back workout.

For lunch today, i plan on bringing my bike in for a lunch ride.  It'll be a ride up to Portola and back, so for the most part, it'll probably be nutty depending on who comes out.  It always is.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Chest and Lunch Spin

Last night, we celebrated my oldest son's b-day where we threw on some steaks on the BBQ and also had some cake.  I probably had more of it than I should have even though the plan was to eat light, so I went in the gym and paid my dues.  I did chest and got a real good workout in with 6 different exercises.  I forgot to bring my weight belt, so I dropped the weight down a notch and just cranked up the reps even more. 

My legs feel better after Saturday's ride after having been in compression all through the weekend.  I should be 100% for today's spin class and look forward to doing that with Madison.   It should be a good one, and I plan to just light one up to burn even more of the calories I took in last night.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Arms and Skipping Lunch Cardio

It was arms day this morning, and I think this after having skipped/missed it last week.  I hit the biceps mostly since I'm saving up my triceps for tomorrow's ride since they seem to get worked when I climb.  Even though it was cold, I got a pretty decent sweat going working the biceps, and did 3 different exercises.  I did hit my triceps for 1 exercise, but only 2 sets.  I also got my core workout in.

Since we're doing a big ride tomorrow, I'm going to rest and start my carb loading during today's lunch.   Me and some of my peers were invited by one of our vendors to an all you can eat buffet, so this worked out perfectly.  I do wish I could have gotten in today's spin class since Lauren kicks my ass, but I guess I'll have to wait after the New Year. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Shoulders and Solo Lunch Ride on TT Bike

I got in the gym and got my shoulder workout in this morning, and I did a lot of reps again but wasn't able to get more than 4 exercises in for it.  I also got my core training in as well, which I've been wanting to do for my lower back as it hasn't been feeling 100% lately.  It felt good to do with my abs. 

I plan on riding Eddie's TT bike at lunch time and wanted to ride solo so I can get the feel of it without being influenced by the speed of others as well as without endangering them by my inexperience.  I'll need to do some climbing on it and then spend some time on the aero bars as well and see how it goes.  I adjusted the seat last night and dropped the bars to get a little more aero, so I'm anxious to see how it'll feel.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Leg Day and a Long Spin

Since the guys have stepped up their training, I was motivated to step up mine.  For this morning's leg day, I worked my ass off and blew up my calves, quads and hamstrings.  My rep range was all the way until I couldn't do it anymore.  There were some 100+ rep sets as a results.  I think people must think I'm crazy in there as I'm twisting myself off the machine after some of the sets.  Felt like puking at one point.  Good stuff.

I know my legs will not hang on a bike today, but I'm a little worried that I haven't put on any real road miles since Sunday.  I'll definitely get out tomorrow and hopefully on Eddie's TT bike.  For today, I'm back on the spin bike and will try to do more than just the regular hour's worth depending on schedule and what my legs can tolerate.  

One thing to note is that I do worry about getting hurt between now and our January race.  I need to pick things up to keep up with the guys on my team, but I need to also be careful not to overdo it before then and get hurt in the process.  Such a fine line....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Back Day and Lunch Ride/Spin

I was a little fired up this morning.  After finding out yesterday that I'll be joining Team A for this January's race, I had a renewed interest in working hard in preparation for it.  Not that my interest was waning before, but it definitely gives me even more of a reason to keep my focus on the training.   My back workout was pretty intense as a result and I was also able to squeeze out a lower back and an ab exercise to finish. 

Yesterday, Madison didn't have a class but I did get in the spin room and get a good workout nonetheless.  My legs were a little tired from Sunday's ride, but it felt good to get some blood circulating in them.  I did need to get in my compression pants last night and I also ended up rolling them, so they should be good for today.  I'll bring my bike in, but it's looking a little wet.  Spin will be the alternative depending on the conditions.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Chest Morning and Spin Lunch

I got up this morning and asked myself what the hell am I doing up so early and why the hell am I going to the gym.  I actually ask myself this on occasion, but I also know the answer and get my ass to the gym anyway.  I was a little tired from yesterday's ride, so I left my compression pants but threw some sweats on over it.

I got my chest workout in and kept it fairly light but high reps.  I still did 6 exercises with 3 sets each.  I also got my abs and lower back trained, so that felt pretty good.

My knees are bugging me a little, but I hope to still join Madison's spin class at lunch time.  I'd like to take it easy, but that never happens since I always get into it when I'm there.  Oh well. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Today's Training

Yesterday, I was able to go into the gym and get some elliptical work in.  I did end up stopping after 50 minutes (vs. my normal hour) since my left hip flexor and left knee were bothering me a little.  Nothing major.

Rather than training my arms, I jumped in a morning ride with the guys and got out for a 40 miler.  It was a good ride, but again a slow start given how cold it was.  My legs seemed to do real well and the only thing I could think of was that I wore my new 2XU elite compression pants.  I didn't even cramp despite only bringing one bottle of water.  Maybe I'll wear them again on Sunday.

I also jumped in a spin class at lunch time.  It was a tough one and my legs were definitely not all there.  The new spin instructor worked my ass off again, so I'll probably be going regularly.  My left knee was bothering me again after the class, but it felt better once I got home and jumped in other compression pants.  Man those pants are gold. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Shoulder and Actual Lunch

Man, it's really hard to get out in the morning when it's so frickin' cold, but I managed to make it into the gym nonetheless.  Oddly enough, I was actually able to get a great shoulder workout in despite how long it took to warm up.  I got 5 exercises in and just blew my shoulders up continuing with the tempo reps.  I also got my lower back workout in (finally) as well as some lower abs. 

For lunch today, I actually am going to eat since my group at work is celebrating the completion of a project.   I'd just as well skip, but I'm somewhat obligated to go for my team.  I am considering a workout in the afternoon to get some cardio in if I can.   We'll see.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cold Leg Day and Lunch Cardio

It was 32 degrees at my house this morning when we got up to go to the gym.  On days like this, it is incredibly difficult to work up a sweat.  However, after my 2nd quad workout (leg presses), I managed to do so.

My training this morning was more tempo based given that I performed each rep somewhat to the rhythm of the music. What this seemed to do for me was it let me do way more reps than if I just counted them out.  I still counted but would stop counting upwards of 70+ reps and just kept going until I just couldn't anymore.  It does let me check out as well when I do this, so I got a pretty good workout despite how hard it was to warm up.  I was going to throw in lower back, but I ended up doing abs instead. 

For lunch, I hope to get some cardio in and would like to join the spin class. However, my boss saw it fit to schedule a meeting from 10-12 where I probably won't be able to make it.  I'll probably opt to spin on my own after the class ends.  I still prefer to spin over cycle on leg days since I'm able to push my cardio base without much impact to my legs.  My calves would not bode well today on an actual ride.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Back Day and Lunch Ride

Got back in the gym this morning and did my back.  5 exercises, but the last one only having 1 set but lots of reps.  I also did abs but didn't get to do lower back.  My lower back probably needed it since it hasn't been feeling too loose lately, but I guess I'll get some tomorrow morning.

Looking forward to getting back on the bike at lunch.  My legs feel a lot better than yesterday, so the day off of cardio did wonders.  I hope it comes through on the actual ride. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Catching Up - Friday, Sunday and Today

On Friday, I ended up skipping the gym in the morning, which would have been my arm workout, and opted to do a ~30 mile ride in the morning with a few guys.  We pushed pretty hard, so it was a good morning trainer.  At lunch time, I jumped in a spin class with a new instructor.  She definitely worked my ass off and I was pretty cooked for the day jumping immediately into my compression pants once I got home.

Sunday, we had a good 78 mile ride in and it was chilly.  It made it that much more painful to ride, which is something I'll have to mentally prepare for should this be the conditions for the Stagecoach in January.  No cramps, but performance was just okay.  I didn't get too much rest the day before with having to get the house ready for a party for my twins (24 kids came over...geez!), and further clean up after.   Managed to do the ride with 3 gels only and 2 bottles and almost 1 pack of shot bloks.  No cramps and never really bonked, but just blew up on some of the climbs.

I took this morning off from the gym given I'm still feeling it from the weekend, but I do expect to lift some weights at lunch time.  It'll be chest day, so I'll do what I can to get a good workout at our work gym.  In the back of my mind, I do want to get a cardio session in today too and contemplate doing so after work.  However, I think I'll probably just listen to my body and resist that urge to get some rest instead.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Shoulders and Forced Spin

For today's workout, I managed to get a pretty good shoulder workout (8 out of 10 intensity) and squeezed out 5 different exercises.  I also got my core training in, although my lower back training was cut a little short due to time and since I think my abs were tightening up from having done crunches just before.  I missed last week's shoulder workout due to Thanksgiving, so it was nice to train them again. 

I originally planned to ride at lunch time, but after looking at the weather forecast with projected 25 mph winds (not gusts), I was considering spinning instead.  Then, Todd texted me early this morning and had been thinking the same thing, so we both plan on getting in on today's spin class.  Hopefully, the other BRCM'ers will too. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Yesterday training, Today's Leg Day and Spin

Yesterday, I did get up and get my back workout done but I had a little trouble getting the intensity level to come up.  I was only able to get 4 exercises in as well, but I did get my core training in for the lower back and abs.  I roll with the punches though, so I don't expect it to always be maximum intensity.  I also got a ride in yesterday at lunch time, which was mostly solo, but still a good trainer.

For today, I got my leg workout in, and I was able to get some sweat going.  I did some drop sets as well during my leg extensions and presses, so it was pretty good.  I could have done one more set of leg presses, but I opted to just do some abs instead.  My legs were cooked!

For lunch today, I do plan on joining the spin class again.  I hope my legs hold up, but it should be good.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Friday through Today

On Friday, my exercise for the day was my ride back home from San Diego.  63 miles, with a headwind.  My legs still hadn't recovered enough from the previous days of training, but I really wanted to get the miles in.  I did okay for a solo ride, but definitely felt it after.  I think I lapsed in and out of consciousness for the rest of that day. 

For Saturday, it was a rest day and I was hoping my legs would fully recover.  However, I was still experiencing some stiffness and some mild pain, so I opted to pick up some recovery compression pants since I heard a lot of good things about it.   I bought the 2XU recovery pants, vs. just their regular compression pants, and wore them for the rest of the afternoon/evening.   I'm a believer.

For Sunday, we had our big ride for the weekend and we did an 88 miler.  I managed to get by with 3 bottles of Ultima, 1 waffle, and 3 gels for the ride plus 1 package of shot blocks.  It even got warm toward the end, and I never felt any cramping despite.  I did jump in my compression pants right after the ride, albeit with some difficulty getting into them (ha ha), but I was still functional for my family after and got to lunch with them, pick up a tree and put up some lights on the house.  Not too shabby.

For today, I woke up and made it to the gym for a chest workout and still keeping the pace up with minimal rest in between sets.   Got 6 exercises in and also my core.  When I got home, it was nice being back on Met-Rx again.  Hopefully, I'll be able to resume the Stagecoach training in full starting today.  Reset.

For lunch, I hope to jump on the spin bike for an hour but I don't think there will be a class given.  I'll just bring in my own music and do my thing.  I'll back it down just a bit since I do feel a little fatigue from the weekend.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thanksgiving

Wow...I guess I hadn't blogged in a few days...I guess I've been busy.

On Tuesday, I got in and got my back workout in.  For whatever reason, I just couldn't get the intensity up as high as I'd like, but I kept trying.  I got about as good a workout as I could given the circumstances, and squeezed out 6 different exercises plus my core training.  For my lunch training, we had a good group ride and got in a 21+ mph pace even with some decent climbs thrown in. 

For yesterday's training, I rode with who I would qualify as Broadcom's best (minus Noah) in the morning for a 45+ mile loop just before work.  My legs felt good despite the ride from Tuesday, so I pushed the pace as much as I could.  It was good to get out there and see where everyone was at, mostly to see how team B looked like, so working in on the rotations as much as possible was ideal. Although I felt a little twinge on my calves on the bike trail headed to California, it was brief and gone by the time I climbed up.  My legs still felt good after the ride, so I jumped in Madison's spin class at lunch time.  I think doing so may have been a little much as by the end of the day, I was feeling it.  My glutes were tired and my legs felt worked, but nothing some compression (by wearing my leg warmers) and some ibuprofen couldn't cure.

For today, I rode down to my in-laws house as planned, but I was a little worried since I could still feel yesterday's training.  My legs were not 100%, but I went through with the ride nonetheless.  My mode was just to maintain a steady pace and not ride all the way through without stopping.  I would have a few people jump in on my draft on the way down, so I took those opportunities to bring up my pace enough to eventually drop every one of them.  Even on the climb up Mira Mesa Blvd, there was one guy who tried to jump on and he stayed probably through a quarter of the hill.  I had a really good pace and rhythm, so I got a 5th place on Strava as a result.   Now if only I didn't get stopped at the light under the 805.  Now it's time to rest and feast. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Weekend, Chest and Spin Class

For my weekend ride, I opted to ride Saturday since we had company coming in from out of town Sunday.  I wasn't sure how I would fair given I was on a bike (either road or spin) M-F without giving myself even much time to recover from last week's century.  Nevertheless, my cardio was still there and my legs still felt pretty good where I was able to bang out a solid ride.  I only had 2.5 bottles to drink, 1 waffle and 2 gels to get me through the ride, but eating like crap Friday night (purposely just to get enough calories in) helped. 

I got up and did my chest this morning and had a great workout.  With company yesterday, we ate out for lunch and dinner so I was charged and ready to work.  I got 6-7 exercises in for chest (more than normal) and my core training done as well.

I plan on jumping in on Madison's spin class at lunch time and I'm going to let her just work my ass as she has been.  I'll probably even warm up before she gets there to get some extra spinning in and burn that many more calories.  It's almost Thanksgiving, so the bigger deficit I can create the more turkey I hope to eat. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Arm Day and Spin

I did manage to get into the gym this morning and get my arms worked out with 3 exercises for biceps and 2 for triceps.  It was actually "fun" trying to match the rep speed to the music, but it was a great workout and probably pushed me beyond what I would have done without it.  I also managed to get my core training in (abs and lower back). 

For lunch, I did the spin class again but about 40 minutes in, I decided not to follow the program too much since I'm planning on riding down to San Diego and back tomorrow.  I hope the guys don't push too hard, but if they do, I'll give it my best despite having ridden every day this week.  I guess we'll have to see if the saying "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" is true.  

Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Music, Delts and Lunch Ride

I downloaded some new songs to my iPod last night and couldn't wait to get in the gym this morning to listen to them.  It's funny how I get excited about working out based on new music, but whatever works, right?

I got a really good shoulder workout based on the new music, and managed to complete 6 different exercises including one for my traps.  The weights were low as normal and the reps were high, and the speed of the rep was mostly matched with the rhythm of the song I was listening to at the time.  What helped was how I could focus more on the song than the pain or the lack of oxygen after doing so many reps.  I did also get a core workout in as well.

Looking forward to a slightly hilly route today, and I am contemplating bringing in my Cervelo now that I have my front wheel back.  It would be nice to spin up the hills vs. pounding with my standard crank.  I already have my BMC at work though, so I'm not sure whether I want to have both at work. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Leg Day and Spinderama

I like my current training program...especially that Wednesdays are for leg weight training.  It's nice to actually get some resistance training in and be able to spin at lunch time vs. getting murdered by the guys on a bike ride.  To boot, Shannon didn't feel like he got a good ride in given his flat yesterday, so I get to use this as an excuse not to go out.  It's my program, after all.  HA HA.

I hit my calves pretty hard but only did two different exercises with 4 sets each and a drop set on the first exercise.  I then moved to my quads and glutes and did some extensions, leg presses and kick backs where I really worked up a sweat.  I think people must think I'm weird doing so many reps and sweating out a ton.   I finished with some standing leg curls for my hamstrings, but I didn't have too much time to do this since I did so many reps in the prior 3 exercises.

Spin class at 1 PM today should be killer.  I think Madison loves to kill it when I'm in there just to see me suffer.  Okay, so maybe she just likes to kill it period.  In any case, I'm ready to flood the floor around my spin bike again and keep working on bringing up my cardio base. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Back and Lunch Ride

While yesterday's workout was just okay considering I didn't get sleep the night before, today's was a whole lot better.  I had downloaded some new songs from iTunes and was able to get pretty fired up during my workout while listening to them.  It's funny how I can find motivation just from certain songs I hear.  I worked my back today and got 5 exercises in (normally 4) and had a real good sweat going by the end of my workout.  I hit my back from varying angles and actually used some of the songs I listened to to for rhythm in my reps.  I also got my core workout in as well.

For lunch, we'll be cycling again today and I think my legs feel pretty good despite yesterday's spin class and Saturday's ride.  I'm actually looking forward to getting on my bike again, so it should be a good run.  Now if only my Garmin worked properly. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Saturday's Ride Analysis, Yesterday's Rest Day and Today

On Saturday, we did the Tour de Foothills century as a trainer for the Stagecoach Century coming up in January.  With the rain and cold weather, I was surprised to have been able to do the whole ride with just the two bottles of Ultima.  I even had a little left in one of the bottles, so it was interesting to know I could do such a big ride with so little given I didn't sweat as much as usual.  I did drink water at two of the SAGs to add to my fluids.  I also only had 1 package of Shot Blocks and 4 Honey Gels, but this was supplemented with 2 fig newtons, a quarter PB&J, a Honey Stinger waffle and one Honey Stinger PB bar.  I did eat a lot the night before, but I don't think my KFC foodfest was ideal.  I've had better beginnings with my sushi meals the night before, but the difference may have also been weather related.  Overall, I'm hoping it will be comparable at the SC weather-wise, where I just have to keep training.

I did get a lot of rest yesterday and went back to Met-Rx for my last 2 meals of the day.  For some reason though, my stomach was bothering me and I wasn't able to get much sleep.  Despite this, I still managed to get up this morning and get in the gym.

For today's workout, I got 6 chest workouts in and while strength wasn't too high, the intensity was still there due to the fast pace, high reps and little rest in between.  I also got my core training in but after my ab workout, I went to pick up my water bottle and one of my upper abs locked up pretty good.  I was able to massage it out to let it unlock as I made my way to the locker.

For today's cardio, I contemplated riding my bike but I will probably just jump on the spin bike again since there is a class today.  I still have about half an hour to decide, but l don't know if I'm ready to ride my bike again yet after Saturday.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Shoulder and Spin

I woke up around 2:30 a.m. last night and really couldn't get back to sleep.  I figured it would be hard to get a good workout in as a result, but ironically, I still had a great shoulder workout.  In fact, the intensity level was probably a 9 or 10 out of 10.  I actually got 7 exercises (not including core) in albeit the last one was just a long set that worked on my traps, but that's up from the normal 4-5.  I did get my core in on top of all that to boot!

For today's cardio, I'll probably hit the spin bike one more time.  I will go during the spin class time, but I may not follow the program depending on how intense Madison makes it.  Yesterday, it was actually more of a workout than I anticipated since I think she likes to work the cyclist when we show up, so if she has the same plans today, I'll have to back it down some.  I wish I could ride my bike, by the way, but I'll have to wait until this weekend.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Yesterday's training, Today's Leg day and Lunch time cardio

Yesterday, I got caught up downloading some songs for my Ipod that I didn't get a chance to blog.  I did get a back workout in and the pace was elevated similar to how my chest day was on Monday...i.e. little rest between sets and exercises.  I was even able to squeeze in one additional exercise, plus I got my core training in as well.

My lunch ride yesterday was a good training ride with a pretty decent amount of elevation.  Shannon smoked all of us after one of the hills, but I can definitely live with that.  I did get a couple PRs, so there were instances I was pushing pretty hard.  I was surprised though that my left calf cramped on Bison since I hadn't ridden since Saturday and only did spin class on Monday.  I may be a little dehydrated, so I'll have to fix that. 

I normally don't do leg days with an event coming up on the weekend, but I decided to do so anyway today.  I did pull back some and only did one exercise for calves (albeit with 1 additional set) and 2 quad exercises (again with additional sets), but I skipped hamstrings since that's one of the prone areas for cramping where I wanted to give it rest.  I really hit a lot of reps on my quad exercises though, so let's see how that works for me.

For lunch, I'm going to try and hit a spin class at 1 PM but my schedule is jacked full of meetings today.  I may not get in a full hour, but I'll take what I can get. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Chest and Spin Bike

It seems the time change brought out more people to the gym this morning.  Even the cold weather (43 degrees) didn't keep me from going, but I did double up on sweaters so my warm-up won't take as long.  I did feel a bit more energy given that it was slightly later according to my bio clock. 

For today's chest workout, I mentioned yesterday how I was going to try and add a little more intensity, so what I did was limit my rest time in between each set.  This allowed me to actually perform 6 different exercises today for pecs whereas I typically only get in 5.  The last exercise was just 3 sets of push ups to failure.  Pecs are worked.  I also got my core training in, so I got it all done and within the same time frame.

For today's cardio, it'll be back to the spin bike.  I don't recall if Madison is having a spin class today or not, but if she does I'm in for sure.  Otherwise, I'll do my own thing and try to get a good sweat going. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Training/Diet reset

After yesterday's big ride, which is unusual since I typically ride Sundays, I opted to rest today and prepare for another training/diet reset.  Thus, I relaxed my diet today as well and hope to dial it up a notch on both starting tomorrow.  Training-wise, it'll be tough so I'll have to see how but diet-wise,  have some ideas I want to try.

I still plan on hitting Met-Rx 4x a day, but I do plan on adding Fridays for a full 4 serving.  Typically, I have a normal dinner on Friday night, but I'll see how going to a 4x on Friday helps.  I also may revert to Met-Rx for dinner on Sundays as well.  If I start to feel weak as a result, I may opt to purchase some good quality whey protein to add to my Met-Rx to prevent any muscle loss.  I will also probably try to drink more water to purify my system more like I used to, which should also help keep me hydrated for my rides. 

As for training, I'm sold on spin bikes, so this will be a regular aspect of my cycling training.  MWF will be spin bike/class with T/Th actual cycling days.  I may swap on some weeks depending on how I feel, but the spin bike is really helping a lot as far as being able to establish different rhythms for climbing and for sprinting.  Awesome core workout as well.  I may do a super light cardio Saturday morning as well, but I'll have to play it by ear depending on how the change to my diet affects me. 

As far as the weight training goes, I don't really see too much changing here.  It's pretty intense as it is and the light weight, high tempo training has still allowed me to hold onto a lot of muscle.  In some cases, I think I actually still stimulate growth based on some of the intensity levels I reach, but I'm not sure if that helps my cycling goal.  I'll keep adjusting as necessary depending on how things go.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Intensity for Arms and Today's Cardio

I had a good workout in the gym this morning on my arms, and had a really good pump both with my biceps and triceps.  I would rate the intensity level today as 10/10 since I pushed through even times when I thought I had no more.  Both muscle groups were almost locking up after each set, so they were pretty worked.  I think I was motivated today with thoughts of cycling and how important it is to push through pain. 

For lunch training, I plan on doing an easy spin on the spin bike.  I will have to take it easy if I end up going out tomorrow with the guys, but nothing is set in stone yet.  Better be safe than sorry. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Shoulder day and Today's Cycling Route

It was a 9/10 day as far as shoulder workouts are concerned where there seemed to be a little room to have had it more intense.  Every morning when I get to the gym, I focus on things that fire me up where this morning was no different.  The problem, however, is that trying to light them up is hindered by how friggin' cold it is in the morning.  I still got a good sweat going, but nothing like the previous weeks.  5 exercises completed for shoulders, and some core training performed as well.

My legs feel better this morning despite yesterday's spin class, so I'm looking forward to a good lunch outing today...I hope.   Since the weather looks like it's taking a turn for the worse starting tonight and possibly through the weekend, I'm going to have to get my money's worth training-wise today. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Recovery, Light Legs and Spin Class

I know full well that muscles need time to recover, and legs are no different.  Although Sunday's ride took it's toll on Sunday, I didn't feel too bad Monday so I pushed probably a little harder than I should when I rode the spin bike with Seon.  Yesterday morning when I got to work, I did feel the two days of training on the legs and knew our lunch ride was going to be a challenge.  I did better than I expected despite feeling like crap once we hit the bike trail, but mostly I think it was a matter of will vs. capability.  Plus, with all the guys that came out, that helped give me more motivation to push. 

Now with 3 days in a row of trashing my legs, I woke up this morning and they were definitely not recovered enough for a good thrashing at the gym.  I contemplated not going, but instead I opted to keep it light and take it easy.  I know.  I know.  I still blew out my calves since they weren't feeling too bad, but I limited the exercises for my hamstring and my quads to just one each.  Now while that doesn't sound bad, I still drove up the intensity based on the rep range I was hitting on every set with the lighter weight.  Walking down the stairs after was tough even after this limited training.

For lunch, I plan on joining the spin class and I will definitely try to tone it down.  I don't think I have a choice.  I'll need to check the aggro in at the door.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Diet Detour, Back Day and Lunch Ride

Since the kids were out with friends trick or treating, I went out to dinner with Lisa in lieu of having my typical Met-Rx.  We had sushi, chicken teriyaki, and tempura; plus I had a light Kirin beer.  On top of this, the kids brought home a lot of Halloween candy so I had to be a responsible dad and sampled some.  HA HA.  It really is a slippery slope once I cross the line, but that should be it for this week.  I'll be making it up diet-wise come Friday. 

I got a good back workout this morning.  I found a v-bar that they haven't had around for a while, so I actually used it for 2 different exercises.  I kept it light and found that listening to the music I spin to helped motivate me by reminding me how I need to keep pushing to improve.  I also got my core training in this morning.

For lunch, I don't really know what route to take, so I'll see if anyone has any suggestions.  In any case, I'll be all in regardless of what anyone suggests.  I need to work off some sushi!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Yesterday's Ride Analysis, Morning Pecs and Lunchtime Spin

6 hours plus on the saddle with 7 hours total elapsed time made for a long ass day.  I brought 3 waffles, 4 gels, and 3 packages of shot bloks along with 5 bottles of electrolytes to get me through it and it was probably just enough.  Had the weather not been so warm toward the end, I think it would have worked out where I could have avoided cramping.  Our last break was probably just a little longer for my legs, and it took a while to get back up to speed from it after feeling so good right before.  If I could do it again, I'd probably drink more and probably have one more gel or waffle.

I was contemplating working out this morning, but last night I binged because I just kept getting hungry.  Of course, I did so later in the evening so I felt like crap this morning.  Thus, off to the gym I went.  I had a pretty good chest workout getting in 5 exercises.  I also got to work my abs but didn't get to work my lower back.  It is hard to get a sweat going when you come in from outside where it's 46 degrees, but I managed to break a sweat nonetheless. 

For lunch training, I plan on getting on the spin bike for an hour.  I do hope to take it easy today and allow my legs to fully recover from yesterday.  They felt pretty bad last night, but not too bad this morning.  I know spinning will get the blood flowing through them again.  Should be good.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Getting Up, Arms Day and Lunch Cardio

So I woke up at 12:30 a.m. this morning (vs. 1:30 a.m. a couple days ago) and didn't realize the time where I got ready to go to the gym again.  This time, I also got my sweater and socks on as well as the rest of my gym clothes, I gargled, and combed my hair only to have Lisa point out that it was only 12:30 in the morning.  What the ???  Could she not have told me sooner?  HA HA

So I still managed to get up at 4:30 and make it to the gym this morning, but I was having some stomach problems.  Despite, I had a pretty good workout and my stomach discomfort seemed to subside early during my workout.  I did 5 exercises (3 biceps and 2 triceps) along with getting my core workout in.  Good stuff.

For my cardio during lunch, I am being flaky and can't decide what I want to do.  I had considered going out early today and joining Gary for the coffee crew ride, but 1) it's friggin' cold out there and 2) I decided an easier lunch ride or a sitting on the spin bike might be a better way to lead into the weekend.  I suppose I'll decide sometime in the next couple hours but I'll be prepared for both.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cold Shoulders and Ride

Waking up this morning to 43 degree temperature sure made it difficult to get up...difficult, not impossible.  I still managed to get up and get my ass in the gym, but for whatever reason, I had trouble working up a sweat despite getting in 5 different exercises.  I normally on get through 4 and run out of time.  I still kept the rep range up, but my shoulders seem to give out way before my cardio would.  I think I got a pretty good sholder workout nonetheless.  I also got my core workout in as well.

For today's cardio, we plan on riding of course but we are doing it in our new BRCM kits.  Hopefully, this will result in a large turnout today and make for a good workout all around.  We'll probably do some hills today, but nothing crazy.  It's suppose to be a no pressure ride, as one of the guys put it, but we'll see how that goes.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Legs and Spin Class

When I woke up and started to get ready for the gym, I felt really tired and thought man, it's going to be a tough morning.  After getting changed, I looked up and noticed that it was only 1:30 a.m.  I guess I was on auto pilot a little too early.  Fortunately, I was able to go back to sleep.  I did make it to the gym during my normal time though, but it was in the gym clothes I had fallen back asleep in.  Lovely.

I worked my legs again today, and as has been the case the last 2 weeks, I just punished them.  Despite our Baldy training and the last 2 days of spin and cycling, I was still able to push and get a really good leg workout.  Since I was hitting some really high reps today, I didn't get in as many exercises: 2 calves (seated calf extensions on super seated leg press and isolated calf extensions on machine), 2 for quads (bilateral leg extensions and super seated leg press) and 1 hamstring (seated leg curls).  Legs were pretty cooked after.  On the leg press, I had to stand with a bend to m knees while the handles on it propped me up since I almost blacked out...twice.  Maybe that was just a little too strenuous.  HA HA

I look forward to joining Madison's spin class at lunch today.  I know my legs will feel like dead weight by then, but I'll still do what I can to get a good cardio workout from it.  Should be good.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Motivation, Back and Cycling

Every morning, I find myself trying to think of something to motivate me to push through my workout.  Lately, the recurring theme has been by focusing on wanting to be my best come January.  The thought of not being able to do my best by then annoys me such that it allows me to push beyond my regular pain thresholds, which makes for a great workout.   In the last 2 weeks, my workouts have left me in a good sweat as I leave the gym, and today was no different.

I got my back workout in and managed to squeeze in 5 separate exercises.  I typically run out of time only have time for 4, but I was limiting my rest time to increase the intensity even more.  To boot, I also got my core workouts in as well.

For lunch, I'm hoping the weather holds up.  As I write this, I see reports of some light rain in LA and some in OC.  I'm hoping it will be fine to ride at lunch as I just finished working on today's route.  I'm looking forward to taking out the BMC again, and my Spinergys are finally back on.  If the weather fails, I'll be in the spin class for sure.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Chest Day and Spin Bike

After yesterday's ride up Mt. Baldy, I wasn't sure how I would feel this morning but even last night, I didn't think my legs (or body) were feeling too bad.  I got up and my legs felt fine, so off to the gym I went.  I managed to get a good chest workout with the focus still being to continue to improve.   I guess I'm still in the mode of wanting to be the best I can be come January, so I continue to work my ass off with my goal in mind. 

I got 5 exercises for chest hitting it at various angles.  I also got my core training in today, but my back was a little fatigue from yesterday's ride.  Despite, I still got to do my regular lower back exercises.

For today's lunch exercise, the plan is to hit the spin bike again.  I can't say enough how it seems to be helping my stamina on the climbs, so I'll continue to do this.  Although I prefer doing so in a class, doing it solo is still a great workout.  Looking forward to it. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Sore Hamstrings, Arms and Spin Class

I woke up this morning and my hamstrings are still feeling a bit sore from Wednesday's workout.  Yesterday's ride didn't help.  Going hard in the beginning of the ride had both my quads and hamstrings tighten up shortly after.  It was quite painful for a while, but it mostly subsided after my legs warmed up.  I just wasn't expecting to still feel it on my hamstrings though.   I suppose I should just chalk it up as giving them a good workout this week and hope they'll be stronger as a result.

I got my arms worked out this morning, and I got 3 workouts done for biceps and 2 workouts for triceps.  I'm emphasizing on the biceps more only because I plan on doing a lot of climbing this weekend where I need my triceps fully recovered by then to support me when I'm on the drops.

I plan on joining today's spin class in building 11 just to reduce the intensity for today, which I control based on the knob vs. when trying to keep up with the madmen at work.  I know Madison will likely work my ass off nonetheless.  Looking forward to it.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sleepless Shoulder Workout, Core and Today's Strava Runs

Last night, I didn't sleep very well, but I still managed to make it into the gym this morning.  Despite not feeling fully rested, I was able to squeeze out a pretty decent shoulder workout even adding a trap exercise at the end of it.  As has been the case throughout the week, I managed a good sweat despite the workout being anaerobic.  My left elbow was troubling me a little though, but not enough to inhibit any movements.  I may need to wrap it again for a bit.

I also did my core workouts, but I was a little nervous about my lower back.  I sat up from bed this morning and felt a little pressure, but that may just be from fatigue based on yesterday's leg workout. 

For lunch, we're doing a somewhat different route that Vince created where there are 4 specific segments to hit for Strava.  Last Tuesday's rabbit chase ride put the guys into a frenzy where they set some really good times, so I imagined that having predefined areas to attack will be the same.  My hamstrings are sore though, so I may opt to pop some ES Tylenol beforehand. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

LEGS and Spin Bike

Leg days are hard but with it comes the best feeling of accomplishment when completed.  Ever since I started it up again last week, I've been quite fired up and today was no different.  I always start up with some stretching beforehand, but right after, the trashing begins.  I hit my calves first since I would never have enough energy to finish with them if I started with the upper leg muscles first.  Here, I did some calf extensions with a 50-70 rep range and 4 sets, seated toe extensions with toe straight, toe in and toe out and then back to toe straight.  Then, I threw on a couple standing toe extensions for good measures and with a 30-40 rep range (to failure). 

For the upper leg workouts, I started today with some prone leg curls.  I used a lighter weight and went for high rep to failure for 3 of the 4 sets with the first one being a warm up.  My hammies were cooked since the lighter weight really allowed me to push the intensity barrier.  I hit the kick back machine after and only managed to do 2 sets before I was totally gassed out.  This exercises really wears me cardiovascular-wise, so I couldn't do anymore.  I finished it up with some leg extensions and leg presses for the quads.  The extensions were intense where my first set was probably in the 100 rep range.  I hit more weights and still kept the rep range above 50 after.  The leg presses were the same, but I did hit higher weights than last week.  I was dizzy at the end of the last set and had to fight off puking right after. 

For today, I plan on jumping on the spin bike again.  I'm really digging the training I get from this.  I get to do a lot of core work and get a lot of cardio from it without taxing my legs too much.  It seems to be helping with my climbing, so I'll keep this up and see where it takes me. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Crazy Back Workout and Lunch Ride

I woke up hungry this morning from only having Met-Rx for my meals last night...i.e. no real food.  I had contemplated eating something small before getting in the gym, but the coffee seemed to have suppressed my appetite.  The crazy thing about it was I had a pretty amazing back workout.  Not only did I get one additional exercise in (5 today), but I worked my ass off for each one.  I felt a sense of despair during my workout today, and this always works to my advantage.  In my mind, every rep was an opportunity to make a difference.  Every set was the last chance to do so.  Rest in between was just wasted time.  This drove me to a ridiculous level of intensity.  Needless to say, I had a good sweat going.  Lisa came with me to the gym this morning and was surprised how much I had sweated.   She did cardio, and my sweat was almost equivalent to hers.  HA HA. 

Even with the additional exercise, I still managed to get my core training in (lower back and abs).  This has been more and more important to my training.  I think for off the seat climbing on the bike, the core is so fundamental to holding this position for a long time.  I also got to test this theory out when on the spin bike yesterday, and it was nice to hold it for extended periods of time. 

For today's lunch ride, I'm not sure if anyone has something in mind route-wise, but I'm bringing in the Cervelo.  This may mean some climbing for today, but I'm also not opposed to either a Portola run or Back Bay charges.  We'll see.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday Chest and Lunch Spin

After yesterday's ride, I felt pretty worked but not so much that I couldn't do a double workout day today.  I did have some stomach troubles after the ride that prevented me from eating a lot, so when I got up this morning, I had to down a honey waffles before hitting the gym.

I had another good chest workout.  I'm still pushing harder and harder to keep the intensity up  committed to making improvements in my cycling.  In other words, it's still so on.  I did drop sets still and worked up a good sweat after 5 exercises.  I also got my core training in as well.

I think I like the spin bike as an alternative to riding my bike.  I suppose I can take my bike in but I think I'll save it for tomorrow, Thursday and Friday.  I'll spin on Wednesday as well.  That's the plan but the elliptical is also a viable option.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Yesterday's Ride, Arm Workout and Today's Rest

Yesterday, rather than doing weights in the morning, I opted to get some riding in with Shannon and Gary on the Coffee Crew Ride starting out of CDM or Newport.  Because i had to be ready to roll by 6:30 a.m., the scheduling of getting up and having some food in me to do 30 miles was where I woke up the same time as when i go to the gym.  This change did require me to have oatmeal early and hold off on my Met-Rx until after the ride.  It all worked out in the end.

The ride for the most part was mellow, so it was a good fat burning sesh during the early part.  We did get some higher intensity training on and after the 133, so overall it was a good 30 miles of riding. 

At lunchtime, I still made it in the gym for my traditional Friday arms workout.  I forgot my straps and my ipod, but I still managed to crank up the intensity.  My arms were pretty worked.  I also got an ab workout in as well. 

For today, it was all consumption was up...and I gave myself a little leg massage with the stick.  I'll probably do it a little more in the morning before I get out for some Como and hill action, but now I just can't wait to get some pedaling in.  Bring on the pain!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Yesterday's Spin, Today's shoulders and cycling

Yesterday's low impact fat burning session was probably more intense than I had originally intended.  I did make it out to bldg 11 to get on a spin bike where I intended to do just that...spin.  Once I got the music going on my ipod though, the pace changed and the intensity kicked in where I ended up doing intervals with some 2-3+ minutes of standing (climbing) thrown in here and there.  I am glad my legs didn't pop.  I was especially worried about my calves.  At the end of the workout, I left a pretty good puddle and this despite sitting right in front of the fan. 

My legs felt thrashed by the time I got home last night, and they did not feel recovered this morning as well.  I was still quite motivated to get a good workout, so the discomfort didn't distract from this.

I had another good workout this morning still focused on my goals.  My shoulders were toast by the end of the workout.  I got 5 different exercises in and still threw in some drop sets when I could.   My right shoulder wasn't 100% for some reason, but I worked around it as best as I could. 

I also got my core training in, although my lower back training was cut a little short given I felt like it was still fatigue from yesterday's leg day.  The abs were okay, and I think I took it to the limit today given I could feel they were on the verge of cramping. 

The plan is to do a coastal ride during lunch since it's expected to be pretty warm today.  I'm not sure how my legs will do, but I'll give it what I have when I can.  I hope the guys also share my "in it to win it" attitude also.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Return of Leg Day and Fat Burning

After skipping legs for the last 2 weeks, I got back on track this morning and got some leg training in.  Since I'm in a new training cycle, I hit it really hard today.  As usual, I started out with the calves and man, they were on fire.    I also hit my quads and hamstrings, and I not only did high rep sets, I did drop and descending sets for all of these muscle groups.  I wanted to cry momma, especially after hitting the quads.  I was probably making a spectacle of myself given I kept pushing and pushing, but I don't go to the gym to impress anyone.  I'm there to work.  Overall, this was probably one of the best leg workouts I've had for a while.  I'm really trying to bring up my strength AND endurance for my legs, so I hope this will do it.

I can't possibly ride my bike today.  Well, I can but it would not be a good idea.  I actually want to let my legs recover after hitting the weights, so I'll probably be skipping bike days when I train them more often.  Now I never said that I'm not working out at lunch time for some cardio...just no bike.  I may get on a spin bike just to keep the blood circulating, but the elliptical seems more enticing at this point.  In any case, I will do some form of fat burning today. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 2 after Reset

After proclaiming that I hit the reset button yesterday in my training, I found a renewed sense of motivation.  For the 2nd day in a row, I had a really good workout and pushed really hard during my back workout.  I am now focused on improving as much as possible between now and January.  I think I can get better.  Sometimes I do become complacent and think I'm happy where I'm at.   With my target set to be at my best for the Stagecoach in January, however, I will get better. 

I also managed to include my core workout today with my back, so I'm feeling pretty good this morning. 

I do look forward to today's lunch ride, but I wish I had my compact crank as I'm planning on something a little more hilly.  Either way, I plan on pushing again today and making the best out of it.  I hope I don't pass out.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Yesterday' Binge, Today's Make up

Oh my did I have a binge session yesterday.  While I didn't eat too much after Saturday's ride, I more than made up for it yesterday.  I figured I was going to just indulge and then start a new training cycle starting today, and that's exactly what I did.  The guilt from yesterday's food was crazy, so my training this morning was off the hook. 

I worked my chest and EVERY single exercise had drop sets and pushed me beyond failure and definitely hitting 100% intensity.  I was thinking people at the gym who saw me were thinking that I probably lost my mind, but I didn't care (as is the case normally).  I'm in there to get it done, and whether anyone is offended or impressed doesn't matter to me in the least. 

Today, I plan to ride my bike at lunch, so let the Stagecoach training begin.  I will be riding more and more throughout the rest of the year, and I hope I can encourage others who want to be in a team to work toward it with me.

2011 OC GF Ride Nourishment Analysis

For these century rides, I always try to do what's worked in the past nutrition/hydration-wise.  I hate to bring too much and bringing not enough is obviously also not a good thing.  For the most part, I think I have this fairly dialed in, but as in the case with life, not everything can go as planned.  This ride was such a day.

My nutrition plan was based on how things went the week before at the TDP century.  I expected a ride that would be less than 5.5 hours long elapsed time.  However, we had a couple incidents that pushed everything out to where the total elapsed time was almost 7 hours.   For the most part, the food/drink plan still worked (3 gels, 1 waffle, and 2 shot blok packages), but I was looking for more one more gel in the end.  I thought I didn't have one, but I just didn't find it in my pocket until after the ride.  That had a nominal effect though.  What did have an effect was how I was just a little shy in fluids and just barely made it with the 4 bottles of Ultima.  Getting a cramp at mile 98 was what I'm alluding to here as barely making it.  I'd like to do a ride without cramping, and I just didn't make it.  Fortunately for me, I had 2 more shot bloks here where this helped me push through and finish the ride.  Had the ride finished sooner, I don't think this would have been an issue.

The push during the TT section did account for some early twinging I felt in my calves, but they never presented a problem anymore after the SAG in Live Oak.  Overall, I think I'm still fairly close to where I need to be as far as what I should carry for these long rides, but I'll keep learning from each and every one of them.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Arms, Core and Cycling?

This morning's arm workout was with a focus on biceps but with some triceps in between.  They're a relatively small muscle group, so hitting them with high reps til failure hurts.  I didn't want to hit my triceps too hard though since I want them to be 100% for this weekend.  My off the seat climb while on the drops can tax them, so I need to make sure they're not in any way recovering from being abused. 

I also got my core workout in today, and it was nice I actually got to use the equipment for this.  I didn't have my iPod today to keep my mind off during these exercises, but it actually worked out better.  Sometimes, change is good.

For lunch, my plan earlier in the week was a light fat burning cardio sesh in the gym.  However, the weather has not let me ride (a real bike anyway) since Sunday.  I did beat my legs up some on yesterday's cardio session in the gym with some progressive interval training, but now I'm anxious to throw my legs over my bike and get some pedaling in.  The last thing I want to do, however, is go hard 2 days out.  Thus, I will go out for a spin only if possible, or not at all and stick to my gym plans.  We'll see.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Spin, Shoulders and More Riding

As an update to yesterday's blog, I didn't get to ride my bike yesterday but did get in a spin class with the guys for the first time.  It was definitely a worthy substitution and something I may do more often when the weather isn't cooperative.  

For today, I skipped the legs this week again in anticipation of saving up for this weekend.  I know the other guys like to work their legs leading up to these long rides we do, but I always worry that doing so may cause mine to pop during the ride.  Maybe it's a mental thing...or maybe I'm just a wuss.  Either way, I'll hit the leg training once again next week.

I did go straight to shoulders today, and I had a great workout.  I felt I was able to hit both the intensity level both aerobically and anaerobically.  To clarify, my muscles and my heart got a good workout.  My shoulders are worked! 

Let's shoot for a lunch ride of cycling today.  I hope to bring in my camera to record again, so I'll probably stay in the back.  I'll use a chest mount, so I hope the video comes out good.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Catching up...again

I haven't blogged since Thursday, so here's what's happened since then:

Friday - I skipped a morning workout in favor of getting some extra sleep.  I did get on the elliptical during lunchtime for a fat burning session.  No weights.  I still the Met-Rx that night, but also had some of the wife's chilli.

Saturday - Rest day and started loading up on food in preparation for the ride on Sunday.  All you can eat sushi was what I opted for along with pizza for dinner (I know, right?), but this worked out great for the ride on bonk and fuel throughout.

Sunday - Tour de Poway.  Great workout!

Monday - I skipped a morning workout since I was going to skip cardio to give my legs a rest, so I worked my chest at lunch time.  This is starting to be the norm with the big Sunday rides. 

Today, I got in the gym with the wife where she got her cardio done while I worked my back.  4 exercises done with a lower back to add.  I did planks last night, so I skipped my abs...that plus the machines were all occupied.  At lunch time, I hope the weather holds up but the plan is to get some cycling in.   I just wonder what Strava segments the guys want to go for today.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Working through Distractions

So this morning, I found that my roomba vacuum damaged one of my things and if you know anything about me, I really like to keep my things pristine.  I was so annoyed, of course, especially since it's fairly new.  Now I could have used it as an excuse not to work out while I tried to fix it.  It's also not easy to feel motivated when annoyed, so I could have used that as an excuse also.  Instead, I took that "energy" albeit negative and tried to use it as a focal point when working out this morning.  Needless to say, my arms hurt now.  That's what I get for not taking better care of my stuff.  HA.

Aside from arms, I also got my core workout in AND also got to pick up some breakfast for the kids.   I guess I feel a little better, but I'm still annoyed.  I'll take whatever I feel now and bring that with me to today's ride.

Looking forward to our lunch ride as it should be a good one today.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Skipped Legs, Shoulder Day and More Hard Cycling

Today is my usual leg day, but I decided against working them out in order to save them for this weekend.  Even though the century ride isn't until Sunday, I want to make sure that they are 100% since I want to keep up with the guys I'm going with.   I know they'll be pushing hard since that's their typical MO. 

Instead, I worked out my shoulders this morning and had a great workout.  I was able to keep pushing and achieved 100% (i.e. failure) through several sets.  Lisa even thought my shoulders were bigger when I got home, which was likely they were still pumped.  I also had a good core workout done, so all set there. 

Today will be another lunch ride, which I'm looking forward to.  It was pretty intense yesterday, so I hope we can have the same type of ride again.  I'll trash my legs up through tomorrow, but maybe lighten up the intensity on Friday.  That's the plan anyway.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Met-Rx, Back Workout and Today's Ride

After this weekend's binging, I was back on Met-Rx last night and I really have to say that this food routine seems to be working out okay for me.  The increased protein during the week seems to keep me from losing muscle while keeping me trim.  In some ways, I think it continues to let me lose even more body fat, but I haven't yet proven that to myself 100%.  The last thing I want to do is assume that I can eat whatever during the weekend and then hit that slippery slope, so I'll try and control it as much as possible. 

I got my back worked out today, and had a pretty decent workout.  I was less than motivated when I arrived there, but once I started warming up, I had an attitude adjustment and got it done.  4 exercises hitting the back at different angles, then a lower back followed by an ab workout.  Good stuff.

We'll be riding today during our lunch time, and maybe we'll do some hills today.  It may be a little warm, so we may need to do something coastal.  Let's see if the guys are up for hitting up that new hill off of San Miguel again. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Nutrition, Sleeping in and Chest at Lunch

When the weather is nice and the feeding before a ride is good, it always works out where I had to have only minimal nutrition during yesterday's big ride.  I guess the ice cream and other crap I ate on Friday and Saturday held me over pretty good where on the ride, I only had to have 1 waffle and 1 gel and 1 package of Shot Bloks. I also only needed 2 bottles of Ultima during the ride (the new grape flavor rocks!).  This was preceded with a Cytomax bottle before the ride.  I hope I don't have to feed much more than this during the next 2 big rides, but I will play it safe so as to not bonk.

My legs felt a little worked last night, so I opted to sleep in and not go to the gym this morning.  It was nice to get some sleep for a change.  

I will be working out at lunch time and only doing a chest workout.  I'll save the cardio for tomorrow's lunch ride.  

Friday, September 23, 2011

Arms and More Riding

I got in the gym this morning and got my arm workout on.  I only had enough time to do 2 exercises for triceps and 2 for biceps.  I also was able to add my ab and lower back workout.  The weird thing was before I worked I, I seemed to have slightly strained a muscle on my mid back.  I don't know how it happened, but just as I was putting on my belt, I felt a little tension.  Oh well, it didn't affect my workout too much.  I was just a little tentative during some of the movements.

Today, I want to get in a little more miles just before the weekend. I know we plan on doing a pre-OC Gran Fondo ride, which should be a pretty good run, so I'm looking forward to it.  The weather has been awesome lately, so if it carries on, it should make for a good workout.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Yesterday's Ride Analysis, Shoulders today, and Today's Ride

I have absolutely no regrets from missing my leg workout yesterday.  In fact, I'm glad since I felt like I was pretty worked after yesterday's lunch ride.  For some reason, I felt pretty depleted where I questioned whether I ate enough the night before.  Last night, I ate just a little more for today's activities. 

I did manage to get in my shoulder workout, and intensity wise, I'd say it was a 9 out of 10.  I have hig it harder, but I just couldn't push the boundary as much for some reason despite the increased calories.  I did step it up where I didn't rest in beween sets as much, but I think I could have went harder.  4 shoulder exercises and 1 trap exercise.  I also worked the abs. 

Today should have a bigger turn out for our group lunch ride, so it should be interesting.  I won't know what I'll have until I get out there, but I plan on recording again on the GoPro just to keep messing around with it. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Skipped Morning Workout and Today's Ride

Yesterday, I had a random chest pain that occurred in the morning before going to work where it felt someone what like indigestion.  The odd thing about it was it came and went pretty quick.  It happened again in the afternoon much later after the ride, and then again when I woke up in the middle of the night to go pee.   I'm a little worried (okay, maybe more than a little) since I don't know what that is, but it hasn't come back since.  When I got up to go to the gym, I ended up changing my mind and ended up going back to bed to get a little more rest and see if that helped.   Today was suppose to be my leg day, but I may just skip out on this for now and resume next week.

For today's lunch ride, I really don't want to push to hard.  I just want to see how everything feels.  I'll try and record the ride with my new GoPro, so it'll be fun staying in the back for that.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Race Analysis and the Latest

Skipping all the workouts on Friday and carbing up seemed to have worked out well on Saturday's race.  I felt pretty good, although I wasn't too keep about the scheduling of the race where I would have preferred to stay up there rather than drive up the morning of.  Next year.  Ultimately, I think I was able to do what I could where I was happy with my results.  Of course, there's always the lingering thoughts that I could have pushed harder here or there, but I think that's normal.  The only thing that would support that was how I was still able to ride a 60 miler with Gary on Sunday. 

That Sunday ride was a good run.  I was worried about my legs, but they still seemed like they were pretty strong.  I had minimal nutrition for the ride (1 waffle, a couple shot bloks, and didn't even finish 2nd water bottle).  I think the weather helped, although the winds on the way back were a little harsh.

Yesterday was my anniversary, so I slept in and skipped a morning workout.  I did get my chest workout done at lunch time, and although it wasn't the best, I still got it done.   It's funny how not having my ipod (battery died) and gum can affect my workout, but not having them and working out is still better than not working out. 

This morning, I got my back workout in, and I'm still trying to burn off the celebratory meals I've had over the weekend including last night.  It was a good workout with 4 exercises hitting the back at different angles and then topped off with a couple core exercises.  I just wonder if my sweating during my workout was due to effort or just the fact that I had some beef on Sunday.  HA HA

For lunch, I think it's time for a good run up Portola.  My BMC came back from the race with a flat, but it's back and ready to go for today.  I'm thinking it'll be a better run if this cool weather holds up.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Arms, Cardio and Diet

I got my arms worked out today where the focus was on biceps.  I' still feeling like I'm not able to focus 100% but it was good enough.  I'm still trying to pull back some for this weekend, so not a big deal.  3 workouts for the biceps and 1 workout for the triceps was all I did.  I also did my abs on a machine I don't typically use. 

For lunch today, I plan on doing a mild cardio session.  I know some people are probably tapering off more and not working out at all, but I need an outlet for my pent up energy (aka anxiety) and I still want to keep the fat off.  

For my diet, I have been having Met-Rx 4 times a day since Monday.  It hasn't been a problem as far as fueling my energy and it seems to let me drop more fat.  I'll probably do it one more time tonight, but I will eat on Friday and try to get some decent carbs in.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Focusing, Shoulder Workout and Last Ride for the Week

Training is just as much mental as it is physical...if not more.  When I'm weighed down with other thoughts and especially those that make me anxious, it's very difficult to stay focused.  Today was such a day.  I made it to the gym this morning, but mentally I was not 100% checked in.  No matter how I much I wanted to push, I think I'd give up on a set just because I couldn't focus enough on what I wanted to achieve.  Thus, I would not call today's shoulder workout one of the better ones.  It would be one of those "at least I made it in" moments. 

I skipped leg workouts this morning due to a race this weekend where I'm looking to save up my legs for the event.  I plan on riding at lunch time today, but it'll probably be the last one for this week.  I still plan on doing a mild cardio tomorrow and maybe a really light one Friday morning, but that's it.  Let's see how this works out for me.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Couple Training, Angles, Back and Bike

Lisa came to the gym with me this morning, and I did my back workout while she did her cardio.  When she comes with me, it does provide additional motivation to get up to go and vice versa.  It's nice we get to go as a couple.

As for my back workout, I was reminded today how important it is to hit the muscle from different angles.  I do see some guys hitting the muscles the same way over and over again, and while it is exercise, I don't think it's as effective as when you change up the movement to hit the muscle.  I did pull downs (close grip), angled rows, alternating wide grip pull down, and cable pullovers.  I also did my lower back and abs.  One thing I noticed from working my lower back regularly is how my back seemed to hold up better on the hilly ride (like on Sunday) whereas that's usually one of the areas that tire first.

For cardio, the lunch ride is on but I need to be mindful of this weekend's Nautica tri where I'll be doing the bike leg as part of a team for work.  I want to have my legs be fresh, so I'll try and take it easy this week and probably taper off by Thursday.  We'll see how that goes.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Overcoming Obstacles, Diet and Today's Workout

On Thursday, our neighborhood was one of the "fortunate" ones to lose power, so staying the course with regard to diet and training was tough.  I did end up having a sandwich for my last meal that night rather than a Met-Rx, but it wasn't too bad.  I just don't typically eat bread at night, but se la vie.  Since the power didn't resume until early a.m., I also had planned on just going to the gym at work vs. planning on going to the one nearby at the chance it would not be open based on the outage.  The funny thing was the gym near my office was  also closed, but I went ahead and worked out in at another gym (bldg 11) on campus and got a pretty decent shoulder workout.  I also still got a lunch ride in, so I didn't let the power outage become too much of an obstacle with regard to my training.  

I took it easy on Saturday and got to ride my mountain bike to my son's soccer game a couple miles away.  It was quite windy, so I spun for the most part.  It felt good to do so after 3 days straight of hard riding.  I also went to a pool party for my daughter's soccer team, and I did cheat on my diet there having half a hamburger, some chips, and a couple beers.  I figured it was okay given I was going on a big ride on Sunday.  My meals after were also not the greatest diet-wise, but again, I needed the calories. 

On Sunday, I had a great ride and I never seemed to run out of energy (i.e. calorie-wise).  I was pushing hard at the end just to see if I can get myself to get really hungry but that never happened.  I did have a couple honey waffles and gels during the ride, so that helped a lot.  The post ride pizza and beers probably wasn't the best for me, but I thought I deserved it.  I also didn't eat well after since I brought the family some KFC after. I ate way too much chicken.  Damn that Colonel.

This morning, my alarm clock woke me up to go to the gym but my legs were feeling tired from the ride.  I decided to sleep in and skip cardio all together today to let my legs rest, so I'll be doing a chest workout at lunch time.  I know when my legs feel like junk, my weight training suffers but I'll try my best to just push through it.  By tomorrow, I expect I should be back on schedule with my 2/day training.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Addiction Continues

On Facebook today, a couple people commented on my check in at 24 hour fitness and got me asking myself why do I get up every morning to work out.   I answered honestly and said it is like an addiction for me where I have to go or I'll feel horrible.  Every morning, the thought of skipping my workout and sleeping in does cross my mind but only briefly.  The thought of how I'll look/feel/perform takes over after, which gets me up pretty quickly.  I've also said before that once you do something long enough, it becomes routine where a lot of the times, I go on auto pilot and find myself in the gym not realizing how I got there.  When I'm there, I just do what I do where I don't like to waste my time/effort and want each workout to count.   Maybe I need an intervention.

I got my back workout in this morning and did 4 exercises (high rep, focus on speed, until failure).  I also got to do my core workout as well.  I only had time to work lower abs (vs. upper), but good enough.

For today's lunch training, back on the bike again.  I wasn't feeling it going up the hills on yesterday's ride, so hopefully it's better today.  I think my weekend binging plus how I felt a little tired from the riding on Sunday/Monday affected me, so I'm hoping I'm a little better recovered today and can do better (i.e. not get dropped). 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Long Weekend and Hitting the Reset Button

Since I took the day off yesterday making for a 4 day weekend, I pretty much did the same blog-wise.  That doesn't mean I didn't train.  Although I skipped the cardio on Friday, I did mountain bike with some friends on Saturday, rode with a club down in San Diego on Sunday, rode solo on Monday, and swam a little yesterday.  I didn't end up doing any weights though, which was not the plan.  I also ate crappy, but all of this just gets me motivated to hit the reset button and start all over again.  Thus, today is the beginning of another new training era.  New goal:  get ready for Nautica tri and subsequent century rides in October.  Shooting for sub 150 lbs.

Today, I had a good chest workout.  My strength was just okay, but I felt like I was able to push through despite.  I had a good sweat going after 5 different exercises.  Today, I reintroduced the drop set. 

For lunch, I'm contemplating on bringing my bike in but the weather forecast is indicating that it'll be really hot today.  I'm not sure I want to ride if it was as hot as it was yesterday.  I'll bring my bike but also have some gym clothes in case I decide to hit the elliptical instead.  Either way, I plan on having a good cardio session later on.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Yesterday's Ride, Arms and Light Cardio

Even this morning, I'm still feeling the effects of my leg workout from a couple days ago.  However, it didn't seem like it was as much of a factor in yesterday's ride as it was Wednesday's.  I did pull back some initially, but got to finish pretty strong.  The odd thing was I didn't think I would be able to push too hard given all my leg muscles felt pretty tight before the ride, but they loosened up and worked a lot better than expected.

I got in a short workout this morning and worked my arms with a lower back workout as well.  I didn't do too many sets, but I was doing 30-40 rep sets for both.  I'm not too interested in making my arms stronger/bigger, so it was enough.  I ran out of time and didn't get to work my abs, but maybe I'll do some crunches later...nah. 

I brought my bike home yesterday as 4 straight days of riding with the guys was enough.  I actually feel like I could have still ridden today even with my legs not 100%, but I'm going mountain biking tomorrow and riding on Sunday. 

I plan on doing some light cardio at lunch instead to burn some calories.  I'm good for a little fat burning and will let my heart take a break. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Legs Recovering, Shoulder Day and More Bike

I woke up this morning and was really feeling the effects of yesterday's leg workout.  My hamstrings, inner things, and glutes feel like junk, and my calves still pretty tight.  My left calf having cramped as hard as it did on yesterday's ride (as expected) doesn't hurt anymore, but it did bother me for a while after.

I made it in to the gym despite the above, but the last thing I wanted to do was do any movements where my legs would serve as stabilizers.  Basically, this meant just not standing up on any of the movements.  It was shoulder day, so it was hard to do front dumbbell raises seated, but that's exactly what I did.  I also did seated side lateral raises, alternating overhead presses (seated on machine) and rear delt (just one set...ran out of time).  I did manage to get full core workout in. 

For today's lunch exercise, I do still plan on riding.  I know, I know...maybe too much, but there's no substitute for seat time.  I'll take it easier, hopefully, and not push too hard and will probably hear an earful when I don't take the front enough.  Oh well.  I'm hoping that the blood moving around my legs will make them feel better.  The ibuprofen I just took should help too.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Return to Leg Day and Riding at Lunch

Now that racing season is over, I finally got to work my legs again this morning.  Working them out during racing season just didn't make any sense to me since they would either affect my race day or working them out after racing would not be fruitful.  I have to admit, I was looking forward to it.

Surprisingly, my strength does not seem to have been affected negatively based on abstaining from the leg training.  Obviously, they were getting trained while on the bike, but I didn't think it would translate.   In fact, they actually felt a little stronger.  I not only bumped the weights up, but my rep range with the increased weight was the same as before.  I was doing 50-75 rep ranges and really got to blow up my legs.  My calves were on fire,  and my quads/hams were too.  Loved it.

I hope to ride my bike during lunch, but it's one of those rides that I expect my legs to pop given this morning's training.  It really isn't a matter of "if' as it is "when."  We're doing something more hilly today, so I'm sure this will not be one of my better outings.  I just hope to survive. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back Day and Hot Lunch Ride

It's nice to be back on track with the weight training this week.  Tuesday is my back day, and I made it in and got it done.  5 exercises and my core training (abs and lower back).   I reduced the amount of weights today to decrease the intensity and make the workout less anaerobic.  I focused more on just hitting the high reps without necessarily feeling like I worked the muscle to the point where they may grow.  Growth isn't bad, but it's just not what I'm looking for right now.

Today, the training day involves a flat route but with the likelihood that it'll be warm or hot.  This is actually ideal preparation for the OC Gran Fondo should the hot weather not go away by then.  Last year, it was really hot, so we need to be able to adapt to riding in this type of environment.  I hope we have a good turnout.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekend, Chest and Lunch Ride Again

Since I attended my 25 year high school reunion this last weekend, it was not exactly the healthiest for me.  I left early on Friday and Lisa and I took off for Harrah's Casino where it was going to be held.  f course, the first thing we do when we get there is hit up the buffet and it pretty much went downhill from there.  Alcohol consumption was high again both Friday and Saturday.  I did get a training ride in on Sunday at least, and when I got back on Sunday, I got a cardio session in at the gym (too hot and windy to ride).  I ate better last night though.

Back in the gym this morning and hopefully back on track.  I had a good chest workout with 5 exercises and some ab training.  I thought about picking up the heavier training again, but I don't want to suffer on the bike.  I'll stick with the light weights for now.

For lunch, I am probably going to bring my bike in to get back on since I haven't ridden since Friday.   I hope there are others who can come out with me so I can push a little harder than when I'm alone.  Maybe I'll hit up some hills today.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back Day, Lunch Ride and More Carbs

Getting up early to go in the gym today was a lot easier than it was yesterday.  I had no problems getting up this morning although I did not sleep as soundly as I like.  Despite this, I managed to get a decent back workout with 4 exercises, high reps, plus my core workout.  Lisa came with me again, so it helps to not give me a reason to skip out...something that seems to be happening more than it had in the earlier months of the year.

For lunch today, I'm planning a light cardio session just to keep the fat off.  It should be very low intensity but still where I am able to work up a sweat. 

For tonight, I will take in more carbs.  For Monday and Tuesday, I had Met-Rx when I got home from work and a light (mostly protein) meal after that.  I'll carb up for the race tomorrow so I have enough fuel throughout. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Alcohol, Morning Chest and Lunch Ride

So yesterday, I missed the gym after attending buddy's wedding on Sunday.  I was pretty hungover, and I couldn't get up until about 10 a.m.  I did manage to get into work where I was going to try and workout after, but I was dragging my ass the whole day where it just didn't happen.  Because I didn't work out, I reduced my carb intake pretty significantly.  This, too, was to compensate for all the alcohol I had the night before.  I'm such a freak!

I did make it in to the gym this morning, and Lisa came with me.  I got my chest worked out, and it was a pretty good one.  I got 5 exercises in with 3 sets each and I got my core muscles trained as well.  Good to be back.

For lunch, we'll be riding today and I'll see if the guys want to do the double back bay route or a Portola run.  Either way, I expect it to be a fast one.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Skipped Arms but Rode at Lunch

After last night's race, I didn't think I would be too tired where I did have plans to exercise this morning.   I woke up in the morning in time to get up, but as usual, I hit the snooze button to give me five more minutes before getting up to get ready.   For whatever reason, the snooze didn't come on and I got up a half hour later instead.  While I could have gotten a quick workout on, I decided to just take the morning off and skip my morning workout.  Three things helped me make this decision:  it was just an arm workout, I did get a great workout the night before at the race, and lastly, my wife bought a scale where I checked my weight and was happy to see I was still at 150.  Good enough.

I did get out for an early lunch ride with Todd and Gaylen, and we got a really good workout where I even felt like puking at the end.  I didn't have any lasting effects though, and I felt better after some lunch (Met-Rx).  Legs still feel good even now, but I'll let them rest and be ready to go out with S-Gary for our ride on Sunday.  I'll pull back just enough to have fun at Shannon's wedding.   It should be a good one.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Overtraining or Increased Conditioning?

Conditioning comes from the muscles being forced to become accustomed to a certain level of exertion.  In order to increase conditioning, that level of exertion also has to increase.  I get this when it comes to bodybuilding, but I'm not sure really sure how it works from a cycling sense.   Sometimes, when I beat my legs up and then beat them up some more, they seemed to become "conditioned" to it where they are just able to perform better.  However, when would it be considered overtraining?

For now, I suppose my take on this is that overtraining is a full body thing vs. a specific area like the legs or other body part.  When I feel exhausted and seem like I'm performing less, THEN I'll admit I'm overtraining.  I may sometimes believe this to be the case based on my diet (i.e. lack of carbs), but in some way, I'm trying to condition my body to do more with less, which in itself is a form of training as well.

As I mentioned yesterday, my legs weren't 100% when I got up, but I still managed to get a good lunch ride in.  I did fall off the pace of the front, but I think it was more related to how hard we went out than overtraining.  They definitely didn't feel very good this morning, but here's where I'm going to back off and let them recover hopefully in time for tomorrow's race.  I'll still do cardio at lunch today, but very low intensity and only to burn fat.

I worked my shoulders this morning, and because I could still get the intensity up I know I'm not overtrained.  I got 4 good exercises in plus my core training, so it was a good overall workout.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Staying the Course

After having an off week last week, getting back on schedule is tough.  I didn't make it in the gym yesterday morning since I was tired from my ride on Sunday where cardio was just out.  I did get a chest workout yesterday, so that should be considered being back.

This morning, I didn't hit the snooze button, so I ended up getting up later than normal.  I was so close to just calling it and saving my energy for my lunch workout (ride), but it is such a slippery slope when I don't follow my regimen. Both my diet and my exercise program suffers when I allow exceptions.  Even though I ran a little late, I still managed to get a good back workout this morning.  The key element was having a focus, and mine is my desire to keep getting better on the bike.  If I stop believing that I can, then what other reason would I have to keep trying?  Whether or not I can is a different story.

For today's lunch ride, I hope we can get some good crit training.  My legs do not feel 100% recovered, but sometimes that just means they just have that much more to get conditioned to which is a good thing.  Looking forward to a good ride.

Friday, August 12, 2011

What a Week!

The title speaks for itself.  This is probably the first week that I skipped as many workouts as I did in contrast with all the other weeks of this year.   On Wednesday and Thursday, I was just so out of it that it was impossible to make it into the gym.  The funny thing is I woke up both mornings but ended up getting back in bed just to let my body recover more.  The weekend had such a lasting effect on me that I think this was the first morning I felt pretty normal.  Thank you Xanax for letting me have a good night sleep last night.  At least I was able to ride both on Wednesday and Thursday, but my stomach felt pretty jacked after each ride (still unsure why).  I hope the bug in my system finds its way out soon. 

I got my back workout done this morning, but I wasn't sure which body part I wanted to work originally.  I was thinking of skipping it and just doing either shoulders or arms, but I went to my back just to offset my crappy chest workout on Tuesday.  Maybe I'll do a makeup workout tomorrow if I have time and get my shoulders done.  I'm bummed that I didn't get to work my legs this week since I didn't race.  Oh well.

For my lunch workout, I again plan on getting a ride in to make up some miles for this week.  I don't really know what route I'd like to take, but I'll see if anyone else is interested in going and we can decide from there.    Hopefully, it's not too difficult so that I'll have enough for a Sunday run.  Not sure what we're doing, but worse case scenario:  Como St + extra credit. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sick and Just Trying to Survive

Had a decent solo ride on Saturday, but ran out of gas 3/4 of the way down to San Diego.  Having lowered carbs the week before, raced on Thursday and trained on Friday, my fate was sealed.  What made it worse was how I took my training for granted and decided only to bring 2 gels and 2 bottles.  I ended up pushing hard going through Camp Pendleton since a triathlon was going on and there were all sorts of guys on aero bikes on the path down to San Diego.  I had a blast taking a lot of them down.  However, this and towing all sorts of guys down Coast Highway seemed to have gotten me to a weakened state much sooner than I expected.  This was made worse by me going after a whole team who passed me on Del Mar just so I can reel them in and pass them as we went up Torrey Pines.  In the end, I felt so depleted that it took a lot of coke and the magical coke slurpee to be able to fully recover. 

Going to the beach and hanging out for 8 hours (bodyboarding for a good portion of that having gone out 3 different times) also took its toll.  The end result was my legs felt jacked up since then and still haven't fully recovered.  Further, all that time in the ocean left me sneezing, achy, and with a mad chest cold where I couldn't make it in to work on Monday.  All I did was stay in bed and sleep.  I never had a recovery day like that before. 

Since my legs still hurt, specifically my hams, glutes, ankles, and shins, I skipped my morning workout and opted to just train at lunch.  I worked my chest, but with my legs and lower back not feeling 100%, it was mostly just a sustaining workout vs. gaining.  I could not get any intensity going and my HR was just spiking despite this.  I guess I'm still sick.

I want to ride tomorrow but we'll see.  If my legs feel good in the morning, its on for lunch.  Otherwise, I may end up doing a mild cardio but even that I won't say for sure until I know how my legs feel.  I just know my cycling is going backwards with not having ridden since Saturday.  I guess we'll see.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Last Night's Race, Arms Today and a Lunch Spin

Great team race last night with Shannon having an awesome individual effort.  The funny thing about it was that I didn't feel like I got a very good workout from it like previous weeks.   Defending didn't take too much toll (as I expected), and the sprint at the end wasn't really cardio as much as it was just muscling through the cranks.  I still need to work on that though. 

I didn't get too much sleep last night, but I still managed to get up and get a good arm workout this morning.  I hit the triceps harder than normal just because I've been saving them for the rides (off the seat climbing), so it felt good to get them worked.  I hope they don't cramp up during today's lunch ride though.  My biceps got a great workout also.  I didn't some core training and did lower abs vs. upper more today. 

For the lunch ride, I know Todd's going out, so it should be a good ride.  We need to make up for last night, so I'm sure we'll be doing some hills today.  Looking forward to it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Shoulders and Cardio

I think I should have went to bed earlier last night as getting up this morning was a little tough.  Despite this, I was able to get a good shoulder workout getting 4 different exercises in.  One thing I was worried about today was not wanting to get bigger.   Even though my rep range is high, I still think they can respond to the high intensity at those upper reps.  I did end up lowering the weight on a couple exercises as a result.  I still managed to work up a good sweat.

I will be doing a very mild cardio at lunch time today.  After yesterday's ride, my legs feel a little fatigue (not sore).  I want to let them recover completely though for tomorrow night.  With a good night's sleep tonight, I should be good to go.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Back Day, Diet and Lunch Ride

After a pretty good night's sleep, I was able to get up feeling pretty rested and ready to hit the gym.  I got in and worked my back with 4 different exercises hitting the back from different angles.  The high rep explosive sets continue and until failure through most.  

My diet...after a weekend of not watching what I ate after the ride on Saturday, I'm now paying for it by reducing my intake especially in the carb department.  Met-Rx will be my dinner for the next couple days as it was last night.  If I'm not feeling too worked after Thursday, I may even continue through the rest of the week.  That's one of the problems when I come off...guilt comes around and I end up possibly even overcompensating.  Story of my life.   I suppose maybe next week, I'll weigh myself again and see if that gets rid of the guilt.

For today's lunch, we plan on doing a triple back bay run.  This means a high intensity ride depending on who comes out.  I'm hoping we get enough so we can get some good crit practicing.  Maybe I'll coordinate a breakaway for this one.  Hmmm.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Weekend, Chest and Lunch Ride

The weekend ride was on Saturday, and it was rather an intense one.  Although only 50 miles, the burn rate was pretty high.  As a  result, I took a whole day off yesterday from any physical activity.  The odd thing was my legs felt like junk where a spin would probably have done them some good.  However, maybe the recovery would be better for them.

I got in a good chest workout this morning with 5 exercises.  I also got my core training in as well.  After yesterday's rest day and a not-so-great diet, the intensity was rather high today.  I'm not sure if I burned enough calories still though.

For lunch, I was planning on doing some cardio in the gym but I'm worried I'm not getting enough miles in on the bike.  I changed my mind due to this, so I'm now planning to ride during lunch and see if anyone is available to join me.  Today and tomorrow will be my cycling days, and then I'm resting until the Thursday crit.  Should be good.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Last Night's Race, Arms Today and a Lunch Spin

I skipped yesterday's workout to save up for last night's race.  Based on my average HR from last  night, it was probably the most effort I've applied to date.  A few attempts to close the gap, 2 sprints, and a breakaway with Shannon were probably the main reasons for this.  Other than my lungs feeling like they collapsed, I felt pretty good after.  My legs held up without any cramps, and they didn't ever tighten up after either.  I guess I'm just getting used to it. 

I didn't sleep too well last night, but I still managed to get up and get in the gym to get an arm workout in.  Although I only managed to squeeze out 3 exercises (2 bis and 1 tri), it was still enough to get sweaty so the intensity was up there.  I could have done more, but I wanted to work my core this morning.  I got both lower back and abs done.

For lunch, I hope to get a mild spin in and save up for the ride tomorrow.  I'll sit in the back if anyone comes out, or just keep a mellow pace on a flatter route if no one else rides.  That's the plan.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Legs Skipped, Shoulders and Cardio

Going to skip my leg weight training again today in favor of resting them for tomorrow night's race.  I am contemplating changing things up next week where I'll train my legs Monday instead just so I can get them back on the weights, but I'm not sold on the idea yet since it can affect my cycling for the rest of the week.  Plus, it depends on how my ride goes from the weekend, so we'll see.

I got my shoulder workout on today, and although yesterday's intensity level only reached 9, today was definitely a 10.  I had a nice little sweat going, so I was pushing pretty hard today.  In fact, my right shoulder muscle is even twitching at the time of this writing.  I got 4 exercises done on the shoulders where I changed the order of what I typically do.   I also threw in a trap workout at the end for a fifth exercise. 

Although I have my bike at work, I will skip riding and get some cardio done in the gym at work instead.  This worked out okay last week, so I'm hoping to repeat the same things leading up to the race. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Back with Lunch Ride

Although I wish I could have slept in this morning, I opted to get up and get m back workout done instead.  Lisa joined me to go to the gym this morning, so that helped motivate me to go.  So did the cup of coffee.

I got my back worked out with 4 different exercises, and on a scale of 1-10, I'd say I was able to hit 9 intensity wise.  I tried to make it more intense, but some days just don't work out that way.  My wrists were bothering me on a couple workouts, but nothing too bad.  It was just enough to take away some of my focus during the sets.

I also got my core workout done, and I got to include my lower back unless during yesterday's lunch workout. 

I do plan on riding at lunch with the guys and will propose a double back bay or maybe a climb up turtle rock and shady finishing on the bike trail and Jamboree.  I hope it's intense as it'll be my last ride before the crit. 

For the rest of the week, I think I'm going to do Met-Rx for dinner vs. regular food.  I had regular food last night, and although it was good, I tend to not be eating as clean as I had been in the past.  I actually ate some rice albeit not a lot.  I still want to manage my carb intake at night, so Met-Rx will help me do this.